Index of titles
- [A Farewell Kiss]
- A Hymn to a Loved One
- “A Nasty Piece of Work”
- A Regrettably Cheesy Discourse
- A Room of Her Own
- A Song for the Planting of Fruit Trees
- [A spinning spider]
- [A still life, with ceramic vase]
- A Token
- A Translation of Wallace Stevens’s ‘Notes Towards a Supreme Fiction’, section 1: ‘It Must be Abstract’
- A Tribute to AQOH
- A trifle—(with double cream)
- A Void
- A Woman Fallen
- Acapulco
- After the Rise
- [Ambient objects surrounded me]
- An Easter Triolet
- [And, hey, maybe if I continue to sing]
- Another day
- Anticipation
- Apathy
- Apple Sunday
- ARIADNE (Cretan Quartet—a blame game)
- [artificial sandalwood, full moon]
- [At the coinciding point of the years]
- Aubade to Girton
- Autumn
- Bearded Thoughts
- Before Christmas
- Between Life and Death
- Black September
- Breakfast
- Bridge
- Bright, Pale Yellow
- Buffy
- BURR (or Brrrrr)
- Café oh late
- Caged
- Call of the Fae
- Cape Cod Morning
- Catalogue d’Oiseaux:
- Centaur
- Cheese is the medium
- Chocolate Sonnet
- Clearing
- Cockatrice
- Compass Reading
- Consequences. Jerusalem, 3 March 2009 (Gaza Sequence)
- Credit in the city
- Cretan Quartet—a blame game
- Crossing
- Crummock Water
- Crushed
- [cyclamen in purple bursts kiss compost]
- Cycling Home on a Winter Evening
- DAEDALUS (Cretan Quartet—a blame game)
- Daydream Dale Journey
- Dear Alan
- Decomposed on Westminster Bridge, January 3, 2002
- Déjeuner
- Delphi
- Destination—(and beginning—for G)
- Did you bury her yet?
- Dimming
- Dinner Party. Jerusalem, 21 January 2009 (Gaza Sequence)
- Diorama
- Don’t count your chickens
- Double Dactyls
- Drink and be merry
- Ebb tide
- Envoy
- Epicycle
- Exam
- Exam Room Villanelle
- Fairy Tale
- Fall for————
- Falling Is Like This
- Fatherland
- Fibbing
- Fibbonacci
- Fire
- Firedrake
- Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
- [Five minutes after our hearts stop]
- Flash News
- For A.
- [For A Long Time She Stands There]
- Foregrounded
- Frighteningly Inert
- From Trebetherick Point
- Fugue by water
- Furcula
- Gaza Sequence
- Greasy spoons
- Hail, Holy Houston: A Discourse on the Anxiety of Mechanised Racial Profiling
- He who made the Lamb
- Hercules et Oracle
- Here be dragons
- Hermione
- [He’s sound]
- [Hidden behind the candyfloss burps]
- Hold
- Hollow Way
- Home, with you
- [Hot]
- How and Why I Should Have Looked You in the Eyes:
- How’d we get here? (Jazz club)
- Human Pound
- [I am almost 25 years old]
- I could never be (ready)
- [I have tried]
- [I often think of that January morning]
- [I whispered my name into the trees]
- [If you ask the worm]
- I’ll never work for Hallmark
- Imposter
- In a charity shop
- In Defence of Evolution
- [In my Grandmother’s homeland]
- “In Nature There Are Few Sharp Lines”
- In search of
- Interval
- Is it a memory?
- It ends like:
- I’ve listened to too much Midwest emo and now I can’t remember how to write poems
- Jane
- Jonathan’s Deathbed
- Joy Ride
- Just a Small Fish
- La Belle Dame
- La Trinitaria
- Leaves—22 May 1998
- leaves might fall
- Lemon Pie in Zaïre
- l’esprit d’escalier
- Leviathan
- Limerick
- looking
- Loose Ghazal for Rumi
- luc bat to mr. beam
- Magnetic Mountain
- March-Wind
- Martha
- [Maybe it’s just the latent sign]
- Microgynon
- MINOTAUR (Cretan Quartet—a blame game)
- Molossus
- Mosquito nights
- [My face is old now]
- Nέμεσις
- New Year. Gaza, 2009 (Gaza Sequence)
- Nightwatching
- Nil Charge / Nil Return
- [No point, she said]
- No Salvage
- No Such Signs
- O Oriens
- O Valentine
- Ode to a map of the world
- [Oh work]
- On nature
- On Rushup Edge (Voices)
- On the top deck of a 68 (Voices)
- Osedax
- Outside E5, Girton College
- Over Easy
- Pallium
- Patrimony
- Philae
- Phonecall
- Pimm’s
- Poem: Debris
- Poems on the Underground
- Poets in Age—or A Study of Reading Habits
- Poker face
- Pontius
- Post-it Notes
- Pushing 60
- [Red-hot and tear-kissed]
- Reflections
- Reflections
- rehabilitation
- Reinforced—(not a concrete poem)
- Renewal
- Revelry
- (R)evolution: Easter Rising
- Riddle
- Same but differenT
- Saudade Aubade
- Sestina
- Sestina to an English Teacher
- [She points to the sky]
- Shit, we’ve missed our stop.
- Should
- Sidings
- Signature Flaw
- Sijo
- Silence
- Singing Bowl
- Sixteen Forty-Five
- Skins
- Small Particles in the Small Hours
- Snapshot Endings
- [So snow falls outside]
- [So the moon was there]
- [Somewhere on the mantelpiece inside your house]
- Song
- Spell
- Splitting
- Stone, Paper, Scissors—i.m. Ondine - 20:8:03-12:03:04
- String-Theory—(for Girton choir)
- Temple
- The Box
- The chicken and the egg
- The Christmas Dolls’ House
- The Cutting Edge
- The Daily Planet
- The Dead Letter Office closes down
- The Envoy. Gaza, 1 March 2009 (Gaza Sequence)
- The Failing of the Cheese
- The Flower
- The Green Man, Mid-Winter
- The Last Kaua‘i ‘ō‘ō
- The Magic Apple Tree
- The Mango Tree
- The Notes You Have Left
- The Other Side of the Line
- [The room was plainness and preparedness]
- [The sash rattles up]
- The Scientist
- [The sun flattened]
- The Tree of Wisdom
- [the typist puts her knickers on]
- The well of love
- the windmill’s lament—a short play
- [The world moves the same]
- There must be moonshine
- THESEUS (Cretan Quartet—a blame game)
- [They saw him walking in the meadow]
- Things a man should know
- Thirteen Lines—A song in word-music.
- This Boy’s in Love—Section C Part 2b (i-ixx)
- This is where
- Three gay rituals
- Three Pieces of Advice
- Three Ways of Walking
- [time rolls up like a woodlouse]
- ’Tis pity he’s a bore
- Tridente, 10th September
- Troubled waters
- tusk! tusk! tusk! tusk! tusk!
- Unmaking
- [Untitled]
- Urban bird watching—On the Huntingdon Road.
- Urban Warfare
- Vicious or Virtuous?
- Voices
- [Walcott begins Omeros]
- Walking in winter
- Wandlebury Hill
- ‘War is not nice’—Barbara Bush
- Wednesday
- Wednesday Evening
- Wells in winter
- we’re not in Kansas, anymore
- Whales sing because they have a song
- [What have we done]
- What we leave behind
- Who am I, Bernard?
- why i’m getting into Christmas
- Wicker Chair
- Wild Mountain Thyme
- Wooden
- Wormholes
- Writing to explore
- yew needs dried blood in spring
- [Your eyes are filled with wonder]