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“A nil charge was captured for the year”
—recent letter from the tax office in Cardiff.
Nil ChargeHigh above desk-jockey Cardiff the wild wind from the heights of Gwyngachu, sweeps over the ruminant chomp of a mutinous herd of nil. Below them, the sharp-suited nilherds insinuate up from the city dragging their ledgers and pens for the annual nil return. Nil, wild-eyed and woolly, pent in a furry fury at the nilherd’s final demands, stamp in a sweep to the slope-edge: horns lowered, hides steaming, hooves pounding they charge… Ah! Nihilist nil, nil desperandum. Bannockburn dreaming – this is their Balaclava – heroic but futile, impetuous thunder and ultimate payment. Pens open and ready, braced with crossed ledgers and steelily smiling, the nilherds encircle to make their nil capture. For this year there’s no nil return. |
Nil ReturnWhile the nilherds are snoring wrapped warm in their nilpelts the nil strain – tight pressed in a circlet of steel. Haunch-heaving and panting they dream of their freedom, of succulent grass on the heights of Gwyngachu. They jostle and press ’til, abrading the bolt-rust, they burst through their binding like overwound springs; nilly-willy their horns reap the full cornucopia, gamboling gluttonous through the waft from the grasses and unseen by their neat nihilarian captors. The nilherds sense nail-break and sharpen their needling, call out their managers, rule up their ledgers, and enter an integer each purposeful stride. Nimble Nimrods, the nil make a dash for the mountain, turn and bellow their challenge from the rim of their ridge. Recasting the balance, the hill-weary nilherds return to their high stools for extended head-scratching. |