The Girton Poetry Group

Not Averse

Here be dragons

Wake as three screams take

Flight, from window to shadow

A child’s voice deepens,

Like a changeling held

Over the flame, some strange trapped,

Untranslatable pain.

What taste on the air

Led you here?  See her red hair

Last night, gaping smile,

Sharp with the earth’s slow

Bleed, four nights till it sheds

Its shadow to bloom

In the vast, dust-filled

Maria of a hidden

Moon.  Now your shadow

Blots the sky, what is

It looks to flower in your

Cries, but falls fallow?

Go hungry dear fox

Do not bloody my door, there

Is nothing for you

In this night.  Redshift

The stars black—do you still feel

Their loss?  My wife stirs,

As our son within

Wakes, to return to dream—the

Stars will wait for him.