The Girton Poetry Group

Not Averse

Double Dactyls

Higgledy Piggledy

Oedipus Tyrannus

Murdered his father

And knocked up his mum.

Question his fitness as


Son-wise, he’s probably

Better than some.


Higgledy Piggledy

Allan S.  Konigsberg

Knew that he wouldn’t

Go far with that name.

Made the decision to


Called himself Woody,

And promptly found fame.


Higgledy Piggledy

Christopher Isherwood

Quickly ditched Corpus

With Berlin in mind.

Wrote of his life in his


Loved for his funny

As well as his Kind.


Higgledy Piggledy

Brideshead Revisited:

Nostalgic adventures

Of Ryder and Flyte

Awestruck Oxonians,


Can’t help but emulate,

Try as they might.


Higgledy Piggledy

Oscar Pistorius

Slaughtered his girlfriend

In cold-blooded rage.

(Nothing too funny here,


Just that his name

Scans quite well on the page).


Higgledy Piggledy

Jesus of Nazareth

Born on a solstice

The prophecised son (/sun)

Sceptics will tell you that,


This is convenient

In more ways than one.