Archive of meeting dates, themes, forms
Easter term 2022: 18 May
- Theme: ‘X’ // ‘orange’
- Form: Concrete Poetry // Found/Blackout Poetry
Poem not found, rather bludgeoned-over-the-head-with (Dominick)
Tic tac toe (Wen Yeh)
Rhymed couplings (Peter Sparks)
Brussels-Franfurt-Vienna-Belgrade (Sofiya)
Wish I was an orange (Wen Yeh)
a Roman holiday (Anon)
X (Shura)
X (James Wade)
juice (Felix)
[I dreamed you asked] (Esmé Beaumont)
My orange armour (Anon)
The truth about x (Stephen Robertson)
Hesperidium (Grace Taylor)
Frederic Leighton: Flaming June (Adam Crothers)
A poem about a fairy (Nell Thackray)
- Exam (George Cowperthwaite)
A Father’s Adolescences (Maddie)
- ’Tis pity he’s a bore (Rahan Nazeer)
Astraeus approach (Edward)
BellaDonna (Amelie Manzoli)
Lent term 2022: 23 February
- Theme: Wait/weight
- Form: Roundel
Roundels, Moving Inland (Adam Crothers)
Acid (Willie Khoo)
- Catalogue d’Oiseaux: (Freddie Moller)
The Weight of Greed (Peter Sparkes)
- Did you bury her yet? (Esmé Beaumont)
The Backer (Rahan Nazeer)
A love letter to Tomorrow (Nell)
Every Which Way (Esther Shambira)
Tang Sanzang Dreams of Guanyin (Willie Khoo)
Parcel (Stephen Robertson)
Fiona Rae: Something is about to happen! (Adam Crothers)
A poem about Girton (James Wade)
Another one about Girton (James Wade)
Yet again, about Girton (James Wade)
The Wait of a Woman (Amelie Manzoli)
Lent term 2022: 16 February
- Theme: Seek
- Form: Aubade
Hope (Felix)
Obsolescents Laundry List (Giorgio Ragozzino)
Hypothetical Aubade (Giorgio Ragozzino)
Like Automatic Curtains (They Part at Dawn) (Adam Crothers)
A Morning Love Song (Laurie Favarato)
Aubade with Beech Trees (Dominick)
- How and Why I Should Have Looked You in the Eyes: (Freddie Moller)
Sasha (Peter Sparkes)
- Café oh late (Rahan Nazeer)
Riddle: Aubade (Stephen Robertson)
Aubade in Alaska (James Wade)
Just seeking (Felix)
Star Eyed (Laurie Favarato)
Aubade with Beech Trees (Dominick)
[The apparition of these faces] (Giorgio Ragozzino)
Lent term 2022: 31 January
- Theme: Hope
- Form: Haiku / Tanka
Hopping (Jemimah Hawkes)
Hope Haikus (Nell)
My our, your or (Elizabeth Dearden-Williams)
Elpis at the gate (Grace Taylor)
[Hope is a loose tooth] (Adam Crothers)
Old Books (James Wade)
Turpentine tanka (Jemimah Hawkes)
Hope (Peter Sparkes)
Lucy (Stephen Robertson)
Time flies (Anon)
Black Hole as a Failed Metaphor (Dominick)
Safe and Full (Grace Taylor)
Tale of a Sad Pebble (Amelie Manzoli)
Chamomile Hunting (Erika)
[Kneel beforte the moon] (Giorgio Ragozzino)
Michaelmas term 2021: 22 November
- Theme: Home
- Form: Ghazal
- Quotation: ‘The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.’ — Maya Angelou, All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes
- Quotation: ‘How often have I lain beneath rain on a strange roof, thinking of home.’ — William C. Faulkner
- Quotation: ‘Every day's an endless stream / Of cigarettes and magazines / And each town looks the same to me / The movies and the factories
/ And every stranger's face I see / Reminds me that I long to be / Homeward bound.’ — Simon & Garfunkel ‘Homeward Bound’
Michaelmas term 2021: 8 November
- Theme: Fall
- Form: Ballad
- Quotation: ‘If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything.’ — unknown
- Quotation: ‘Dance, dance / We're falling apart to half time.’ — Fall Out Boy, ‘Dance, Dance’
- Quotation: ‘As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.’ — John Green, ‘The Fault in Our Stars’
- Quotation: ‘What am I now? What am I now? / What if I’m someone I don’t want around? / I’m falling again, I’m falling again, I'm falling.’ — Harry Styles, ‘Falling’
Ai Weiwei: Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn (Adam Crothers)
Quasi non homo (James Wade)
Going Up, Coming Down (Giorgio Ragozzino)
Help (Anon)
Ballad in Autumn (Adam Crothers)
[When we were younger] (Amelie Manzoli)
A Ballad of Dissent (Peter Sparkes)
The Fall (Peter Sparkes)
- Ebb tide (S Robertson and A Gremlin)
Almond Blossoms (Quinn)
- A Woman Fallen (Grace Taylor)
Michaelmas term 2021: 25 October
- Theme: Hold
- Form: Free verse
- Quotation: ‘I suddenly remember being very little and being embraced by my father. I would try to put my arms around my father’s waist, hug him back. I could never reach the whole way around the equator of his body; he was that much larger than life. Then one day, I could do it. I held him, instead of him holding me, and all I wanted at that moment was to have it back the other way.’ — Jodi Picoult, Vanishing Acts
- Quotation: ‘Who says you cannot hold the moon in your hand? Tonight when the stars come out and the moon rises in the velvet sky, look outside your window, then raise your hand and position
your fingers around the disk of light. There you go . . . That was easy!’ — Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration
- Quotation: ‘I need a hero / I’m holding out for a hero ’till the end of the night.’ — Bonnie Tyler, ‘Holding Out For A Hero’
- Quotation: ‘Hold up, they don’t love you like I love you.’ — Beyoncé, ‘Hold Up’
- Quotation: ‘“[…] to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish, till death do us part.’ — Protestant Wedding Vows
Easter term 2021: 23 June
- Theme: Fruit
- Form: Your choice — surprise me!! But some suggestions if you would like them are tanka, sestina, blues, terza rima
- Quotation: ‘The greengages had a pale blue bloom, especially in the shade, but in the sun the flesh showed amber through the clear green
skin; if it were cracked the juice was doubly warm and sweet.’ — Rumer Godden, The Greengage Summer
- Quotation: ‘How many kinds of green are there? Barto said. 7 main kinds altogether, I said. And perhaps 20 to 30, maybe more, variations on each of these kinds.’ — Ali Smith, Autumn
- Quotation: ‘maybe you would have / been a tortoise and I would / be a raspberry.’ — Clint Smith, ‘Chaos Theory’
- Quotation: ‘Hands, knees, please, tangerine, come on back to me / You got what I need, tangerine, do this for me / Hands, knees, please,
tangerine, sugar, honey, sweet / Got what I need, tangerine.’ — Glass Animals, ‘Tangerine’
- Quotation: ‘the garden outside / yearning for access to the garden within.’ — George Szirtes, ‘Comical Roses in a Cubic Vase’
- Quotation: ‘Are the trees high enough, baby? / Leave you so high your feet won’t touch the ground / Would you look up, baby? / It’s pineapple purple skies / Promise everything gon’ be alright.’ — Miguel, ‘Pineapple Skies’
- Quotation: ‘A glass of papaya juice / and back to work. My heart is in my / pocket, it is Poems by Pierre Reverdy.’ — Frank O’Hara, ‘A Step Away From Them’
- Lemon Pie in Zaïre (Anna Nickerson)
[everything is peaches] (Anon)
[It’s true, we ate well in those days] (Francesca Weekes)
Three Yards of Gingham (Liz Hart)
Newton’s counterfactuals (Stephen Robertson)
[Through the window to your soul] (Elizabeth Dearden-Williams)
Easter term 2021: 12 May
- Theme: Window
- Form: Cascade
- Quotation: ‘they say that it's you who came cracked / came shattered right out the box / but they don't know that / this is just something
you do // to show how many of you there are / that none of you are the same / that the more shards there are // the more ways
there are / to refract this light / that envelops us each day.’ — Clint Smith, 'what the window said to the black boy'
- Quotation: ‘She didn't notice me at first, as she looked out across the grounds. But then, of course, she did. She gave a start back from the window and disappeared from view. I wondered if that would be the last I'd see of her but she soon returned, with that mother of hers at her side. The two of them stared down at me, Ethel's delicate features and the crone's distorted into matching grotesque looks that
showed as plain as day their horror at seeing me returned to them like this, so soon after sending me packing to the realms
of the dead. Fixing my gaze on her as steadily as I could manage while still treading water, I twisted my ragged mouth up into a grin,
and then I raised a hand and waved.’ — Naomi Ishiguro, 'The Rat Catcher II: The King'
- Quotation: ‘I have often looked at our family through lighted windows and they seem quite different, a bit the way rooms seen in looking-glasses
do.’ — Dodie Smith, I Capture the Castle
- Quotation: ‘I dwell in Possibility – / A fairer House than Prose – / More numerous of Windows – / Superior – for Doors –’ — Emily Dickinson,
‘I dwell in possibility’
- Quotation: ‘Someone has brought a torch into the garden below. A dusky flicker fills the panes. His shadow in the window raises a hand; he inclines his head to it.’ — Hilary Mantel, The Mirror & the Light
- Microsoft Windows XP shutdown sound:
- Crummock Water (Harry Camp)
Haikus (Francesca Weekes)
Cadences (Adam Crothers)
Windows (Francesca Weekes)
Fiona Rae: Don’t make skies fall down!!! (Adam Crothers)
Beds and trees and windows (Stephen Robertson)
Edward Hopper: Night Windows (Adam Crothers)
Lent term 2021: 3 March
- Theme: Ritual
- Form: Villanelle
- Quotation: ‘We race along the cliff path. Oliver called it the Terror Run because he is afraid of heights. It is a bit scary in places but even Sophy can do it now. It’s an institution. We run by the light of the moon.’ — Mary Wesley, The Camomile Lawn
- Quotation: ‘Now I construct / A new silence I hope to break.’ — W.S. Graham, ‘Approaches to How They Behave’
- Quotation: ‘the interesting, cute, and zany index - and are thus each in a historically concrete way about - capitalism’s most socially
binding processes: production, in the case of the zany (an aesthetic about performance as not just artful play but also affective labour); circulation,
in the case of the interesting (a serial, recursive aesthetic of international relays and communicative exchange); and consumption,
in the case of the cute (an aesthetic disclosing the surprisingly wide spectrum of feelings, ranging from tenderness to aggression,
that we harbor toward ostensively subordinate and unthreatening commodities).’ — Sianne Ngai, ‘Our Aesthetic Categories’
- Quotation: ‘she looks out at the empty, auditory wilderness of the fan-shaped auditorium, modelled on the Greek amphitheatres that ensured
everyone in the audience had an uninterrupted view of the action / over a thousand people will fill the seats this very evening
/ so many people gathered to see her production is quite unbelievable / the entire run almost sold out before a single review
has been filed / how’s that for demand for something quite different?.’ — Bernadine Evaristo, Girl, Woman, Other
- Quotation: ‘lyric discourse is defined by the dialectical play of ritual and fictional phenomena, or correlative modes of apprehension
that are nearly always available in every lyric.’ — Roland Greene, Post-Petrarchism
- Quotation: ‘'When you put on the mask the thunder starts. / Through the nostril’s orange you can smell / the far hope of rain. Up in the Nilgiris, / glisten of eucalyptus, drip of pine, spiders tumbling/from their silver webs. // The mask is raw and red as bark against your facebones. / You finger the stripes ridged like weals / out of your childhood. A wind is rising / in the north, a scarlet light / like a fire in the sky.’ — Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, 'Tiger Mask Ritual'
Claude Monet: The Japanese Footbridge (Adam Crothers)
Love (James Wade)
Cutting (Peter Sparks)
Revolt (Stephen Robertson)
An Art (Francesca Weekes)
- Furcula (Anna Nickerson)
Villanelle for Blackbirds to Sing (Adam Crothers)
The Ganges according to Kapuscinski (Jemimah Hawkes)
Rather Like Tombstones (Adam Crothers)
Lent term 2021: 24 February
- Theme: Omens
- Form: Ecopoem
- Quotation: ‘The future came and went in the mildly discouraging way that futures do.’ — Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, Good Omens
- Quotation: ‘Whose spirit is this? we said, because we knew / It was the spirit that we sought and knew / That we should ask this often as she sang.’ — Wallace Stevens, ‘The Idea of Order at Key West’
- Quotation: ‘The birds around me hopped and played, / Their thoughts I cannot measure — / But the least motion which they made / It seemed
a thrill of pleasure // the budding twigs spread out their fan, / To catch the breezy air; / And I must think, do all I can
/ That there was pleasure there, // If this belief from heaven be sent / If such be Nature’s holy plan, / Have I not reason
to lament / What man has made of man?.’ — William Wordsworth, Lines Written in Early Spring
- Quotation: ‘And I had done a hellish thing, / And it would work ‘em woe : / For all averred, I had killed the bird / That made the breeze to blow, / Ah wretch! said they, the bird to slay, / That made the breeze to blow!.’ — Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Rime of the Ancient Mariner
- Quotation: ‘One can imagine that, at the apex of the Flood, when the globe was a ball of water, came the day of divine relenting, when
Noah’s wife must have opened the shutters upon a morning designed to reflect an enormous good nature. We can imagine that the Deluge rippled and glistened, and that the clouds, under an altered dispensation, were purely ornamental. True, the waters were full of people - we knew the story from our childhood.’ — Marilynne Robinson, Housekeeping
- Quotation: ‘now the rivers of the land of the dead / Will flow with my prophecies.’ — Aeschylus, Agamemnon
- Quotation: ‘The angel of history wears all expressions at once. / What will you do? Look, his wings are aflame for you.’ — Agha Shahid Ali, ‘For You’
Again (Francesca Weekes)
why I like you (Anon)
Pollensong (Adam Crothers)
Oh! Men (Peter Sparks)
Malagasy Light (Adam Crothers)
Creek mud (Stephen Robertson)
Nietzche’s pathway (Anon)
Sonnet (James Wade)
Cat (Adam Crothers)
Thoughts while clearing my head in The Botanical Gardens that I neglected to visit until it became crucial for me to escape
to the other side of Cambridge (Esther Shambira)
À une amie (Anon)
- Delphi (Anna Nickerson)
Lent term 2021: 10 February
- Theme: The friend
- Form: Sonnet
- Quotation: ‘I did not live until this time / Crowned my felicity, / When I could say without a crime, / I am not thine, but thee.’ — Katherine Philips, ‘To My Excellent Lucasia, on Our Friendship’
- Quotation: ‘I want to call your name, but the word dies in my throat. Oh, my friend, my friend!’ — Sigrid Nunez, The Friend
- Quotation: ‘Let's go to the corner store and buy some fruit / I’d do anything to get you out your room.’ — Arlo Parks, ‘Black Dog’
- Quotation: ‘Poor unhappy things. Much as I pitied and faintly despised them, they had the knack of making me feel I was lolling helplessly through an objectless,
boring life. I never wanted to see them, or listen to them, or even to eat any of the delightful food they produced from air, or sea, or
garden.’ — Molly Keane, Good Behaviour
- Quotation: ‘The strange thing, on looking back, was the purity, the integrity, of her feeling for Sally. It was not like one’s feeling for a man. It was completely disinterested, and besides, it had a quality which could only exist between women, between women just grown
up. It was protective, on her side; sprang from a sense of being in league together, a presentiment of something that was bound
to part them (they spoke of marriage always as a catastrophe), which led to this chivalry, this protective feeling which was
much more on her side than Sally’s.’ — Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway
London (Stephen Robertson)
Fiona Rae: Gather all the treasure and make friends in the world (Adam Crothers)
Sonet Bleu Blue Sonnet (Ewan Gomersall)
vessel (Anon)
Lost Consonant (Peter Sparks)
To a friend (Francesca Weekes)
Takashi Murakami: Panda & His Friends (Adam Crothers)
Leading (Peter Sparks)
FRIENDS (James Wade)
Henri Gaudier-Brzeska: Stag (Adam Crothers)
The Friend // Epiphany (Jemimah Hawkes)
Michaelmas term 2020: 18 November
- Theme: Movement
- Form: Duplex (Jericho Brown)
- Quotation: ‘If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed, now / It's just a spring clean for the May queen / Yes, there are
two paths you can go by, but in the long run / There's still time to change the road you're on.’ — Led Zeppelin, ‘Stairway to Heaven’
- Quotation: ‘So I remember when we were driving / Driving in your car / Speed so fast it felt like I was drunk / City lights lay out
before us / And your arms felt nice wrapped around my shoulder / And I—I had a feeling that I belonged / I—I had a feeling
I could be someone, be someone, be someone.’ — Tracy Chapman, ‘Fast Car’
- Quotation: ‘Your body's poetry, speak to me / Won't you let me be your rhythm tonight?.’ — Sia, ‘Move Your Body’
- Quotation: ‘Across the street there is a house under construction, abandoned to the rain. Secretly, I shall go work on it.’ — Frank O'Hara, ‘Cambridge’
- Quotation: ‘I wandered lonely as a cloud / That floats on high o'er vales and hills, / When all at once I saw a crowd, / A host, of
golden daffodils; / Beside the lake, beneath the trees, / Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.’ — William Wordsworth, ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’
- Quotation: ‘Normally we didn't converse or chat or encourage words of exchange on our runs other than the functional "Will we pick up
pace here, sister-in-law?" or "Will we add a bonus mile at the end, brother-in-law?" or other suchlike exercise expressions.’ — Anna Burns, Milkman
- A Song for the Planting of Fruit Trees (Anna Nickerson)
Improvisation and Lament for Emily Remler (Adam Crothers)
Nocturne (Anon)
Duplex for Emily (Francesca Weekes)
In Norfolk (Stephen Robertson)
René Magritte: Le Mouvement perpétuel (Adam Crothers)
Home for the Holidays (James Wade)
Duplicities: A Horror Story (Adam Crothers)
Immobile Duplicity (Peter Sparks)
- Riddle (Harry Camp)
Michaelmas term 2020: 4 November
- Theme: Hallowe’en
- Form: Ode
- Quotation: ‘Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking / Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore— /
What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore / Meant in croaking “Nevermore.”’ — Edgar Allen Poe, ‘The
- Quotation: ‘Thus I; faltering forward, / Leaves around me falling, / Wind oozing thin through the thorn from norward, / And the woman
calling.’ — Thomas Hardy, ‘The Voice’
- Quotation: ‘Again she wished for the baby ghost - its anger thrilling her now where it used to wear her out. / Wear her out.’ — Toni Morrison, Beloved
- Quotation: ‘Come on, come on, don't leave me like this / I thought I had you figured out / Can't breathe / whenever you're gone / Can't
turn back now, I'm haunted.’ — Taylor Swift, ‘Haunted’
- Quotation: ‘It's beyond everything. Nothing at all that I know touches it.’ — Henry James, ‘The Turn of the Screw’
Odious (Adam Crothers)
[Eyes the colour of wine] (Esther Shambira)
volta (Harry Camp)
Sapphic Ode for Samhainn (Peter Sparks)
Anaphorically Apostrophic Song for Odetta from the Lower Case (Adam Crothers)
- Ode to a map of the world (Léo Boulanger)
Ode to Pumpkin (Francesca Weekes)
I’d Quite Forgotten (Liz Hart)
A Ghost Is Bored (Adam Crothers)
Locking down too (Stephen Robertson)
Michaelmas term 2020: 21 October
- Theme: Point
- Form: Free verse
- Quotation: ‘PRESENT, n. [1.] That part of eternity dividing the domain of disappointment from the realm of hope.’ — Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary
- Quotation: ‘I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.’ — Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
- Quotation: ‘When you can do nothing, what can you do?.’ — Koan
- Quotation: ‘We shall not cease from exploration / And the end of all our exploring / Will be to arrive where we started / And know the
place for the first time.’ — T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets
- Quotation: ‘For Occupation – This – / The spreading wide my narrow Hands / To gather Paradise –.’ — Emily Dickinson, ‘I dwell in Possibility’
- Quotation: ‘So little to say / So urgent / to say it.’ — Leonard Cohen, ‘My Career’
- Quotation: ‘What everything in me wants to articulate / is this little bit of a scar that dates / from the time O’Clery, my school-room
foe, / rammed his pencil into my exposed thigh […] with such force that the point was broken off.’ — Paul Muldoon, ‘The Point’
Camoo (Elizabeth Dearden-Williams)
- [No point, she said] (Anna Nickerson)
In Parenthesis (Peter Sparks)
Me™ (Emily Swettenham)
L’origine de la torture (Ewan Gomersall)
Three and a Half Yards of Gingham (Anon)
[Tell me] (Anon)
What was the point? (EBT)
Covehithe, Suffolk (Stephen Robertson)
- [She points to the sky] (Léo Boulanger)
I love you always (Anon)
What's the point (James Wade)
Easter term 2020: 19 June
- Theme: Puzzle/s
- Form: Ghazal
- Quotations: ‘And what song shall this fisherman / who loves a jaunty tune / sing to lullaby his children / when dark shapes in their
room / make the night a snarling monster / only father's voice can soothe / and who will soothe the fisherman / who navigates
the blue?’ — Kayo Chingonyi, ‘Fisherman's Song’
- ‘I too, was beginning to lose my power of reason, my ability to see obvious connections and to retain even the most elementary
sense of how to survive in this place.’ — Anna Burns, Milkman
- ‘What is it that hath been? that that shall be: and what is it that hath been done? that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.’ — 1599 Geneva Bible
- ‘Tell me, what is that fills the sky and the whole earth and tears up new shoots, and shakes all foundations, but cannot be
seen by eyes or touched by hands?’ — Medieval riddle
- ‘It is far easier for ladies to cut a figure in dances which require a variety of intricate bodily movements than in certain
other stately dances in which they merely have to walk with a natural step and display their native bearing and their usual
graces.’ — Michel de Montaigne, ‘On Books’
Chiho Aoshima: Japanese Apricot 3 (Adam Crothers)
People-Guzzler (Jemimah Hawkes)
Babylon (Stephen Robertson)
my love (Cevanne Horrocks-Hopayian)
Broken Sonnet (Judith)
Under the sky (Stephen Robertson)
2017–2020 (Peter Sparks)
[Yellow quinces were the stolen apples] (Anna Nickerson)
Dazzle (Adam Crothers)
The Light (Francesca Weekes)
Dilemma in the Wind (Peter Sparks)
Rock (James Wade)
Patience (Malcolm Guite)
Easter term 2020: 20 May
- Theme: Birthdays
- Form: The Golden Shovel
- Quotations: ‘The birthday of my life / Is come, my love is come to me.’ — Christina Rossetti, ‘A Birthday’
- ‘Inside was a wireless and a gramophone combined - oh, the most wonderful thing! When shut, it is like a fat suitcase, with a handle to carry it by. The outside is a lovely blue, like linen but shiny. There was a record case to match. Nobody ever had such a glorious present.’ - Dodie Smith, I Capture the Castle
- ‘The marvel of ten years too much to keep. / “What is this lovely world, and who am I?”’ — Marjorie Knapp, ‘Tenth Birthday’
- 'According to my birth certificate, I turn 30 this year. It's weird because part of me still feels 18 and part of me feels 283, but the actual age I currently am is 29. I've heard people say that your thirties are "the most fun!" So I'll definitely keep you posted on my findings on that when
I know. But until then, I thought I'd share some lessons I've learned before reaching 30, because it's 2019 and sharing is caring.'
— Taylor Swift, '30 Things I Learned Before Turning 30'
Anniversary (Malcolm Guite)
Glen Larmour: Harland and Wolf (Adam Crothers)
[O for a muse of fireball whisky] (James Wade)
My Cake-cutting, My Appetite-satiation, Must Wait Until Lunch (Jemimah Hawkes)
Dylan descartes (Jemimah Hawkes)
The Last Birthday (Liz Hart)
Takashi Murakami: In the Land of the Dead, Stepping on the Tail of a Rainbow (Adam Crothers)
Stasis (Stephen Robertson)
Bird Day (Francesca Weekes)
Gravedigging (Giorgio Ragozzino)
My Father’s Sunday Birthday (Liz Hart)
at breakfast – on first looking into Crother’s Culture (Peter Sparks)
Fine Knacks for Ladies: Brooks x Swift (Anna Nickerson)
Easter term 2020: 6 May
- Theme: Girton
- Quotations: ‘'My candle burns at both ends; / It will not last the night; / But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends - / It gives a lovely
light!.’ — Edna St. Vincent Millay, ‘Figs From Thistles: First Fig’
- ‘You: An Achilles’ apple / Blushing sweet on a high branch / At the tip of the tallest tree.’ — Sappho (trans. Anita George), from ‘Fragment 105(a)’
- ‘Whirl up, sea - / whirl your pointed pines, / splash your great pines / on our rocks, / hurl your green over us, / cover
us with your pools of fir.’ — H.D., ‘Oread’
- ‘The history of men's opposition to women's emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation itself. An amusing book might be made of it if some young student at Girton or Newnham would collect examples and deduce a theory,--but
she would need thick gloves on her hands, and bars to protect her of solid gold.’
- ‘Let me imagine, since facts are so hard to come by, what would have happened had Shakespeare had a wonderfully gifted sister,
called Judith, let us say.’ — Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own
Lent term 2020: 4 March
- Theme: Lapse
- Form: Ekphrasis
- Quotations: ‘And certainly, the mistakes that we male and female mortals make when we have our own way might fairly raise some wonder
that we are so fond of it.’ — George Eliot, Middlemarch
- ‘Even damnation is poisoned with rainbows’ — Leonard Cohen
- ‘I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them, as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what
they were about when they begot me; had they duly considered how much depended upon what they were then doing; that not only
the production of a rational Being was concerned in it, but that possibly the happy formation and temperature of his body,
perhaps his genius and the very cast of his mind;—and, for aught they knew to the contrary, even the fortunes of his whole
house might take their turn from the humours and dispositions which were then uppermost: Had they duly weighed and considered all this, and proceeded accordingly, I am verily persuaded I should have made a quite
different figure in the world, from that, in which the reader is likely to see me.’ — Laurence Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy
- ‘Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.’ — Samuel Beckett
- Words: clag; torpid; puff
World, Famous (Emily Swetenham)
Icarus with Fall of Landscape (Adam Crothers)
On First Looking Into an Old Manuscript (James Wade)
[I am dressed for my funeral] (Anon)
Still Life (Yellow Table), 1950 (Francesca Weekes)
South London Standoff (Stephen Robertson)
- [A still life, with ceramic vase] (Anna Nickerson)
Crossing The Lines: A Portrait of Osamu Fujimura (Malcolm Guite)
Yuletide (Jemimah Hawkes)
[I brought a plant into the room] (Esther Shambira)
A Ballade for Sadak at the Waters of Oblivion (Peter Sparks)
Lent term 2020: 19 February
- Theme: Crossings
- Form: Sestina
- Quotations: ‘The road is wide / but he is called / by something / that knows him / on the other side.’ — Ruth Moose, The Crossing
- ‘Oh will you excuse me / I’m just trying to find the bridge! / Has anybody seen the bridge? / Please! / (Have you seen the bridge?) / I ain’t seen the bridge! / (Where’s that confounded bridge?)’ — Led Zeppelin, ‘The Crunge’
- ‘'Full fathom five thy father lies; / Of his bones are coral made; / Those are pearls that were his eyes: / Nothing of him that doth fade, / But doth suffer a sea-change / Into something rich and strange.’ — William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Fire (Peter Sparks)
Earth (Malcolm Guite)
John William Waterhouse: Hylas and the Nymphs; Henrietta Rae: Hylas and the Water Nymphs (Adam Crothers)
Bathos Vomitus (Giorgio Ragozzino)
- Sixteen Forty-Five (Anna Nickerson)
Poland, 1945 (Jemimah Hawkes)
[The big man in the sky swatted at me] (Francesca Weekes)
Coast (Stephen Robertson)
Forth! (Adam Crothers)
[The blink of the moment don’t let it be missed] (Anon)
Very large array seeks very small life form for long term relationship (Peter Sparks)
- Crossing (Elizabeth Dearden-Williams)
Lent term 2020: 29 January
- Theme: Faff
- Form: Sonnet
- Quotations: ‘Gradually the waiting began to feel less like waiting and more like this was simply what life was: the distracting tasks undertaken while the thing you are waiting for continues not to happen.’ — Sally Rooney, Conversations with Friends
- ‘My goal was always / to be shiftless [...] I liked the idea of sitting in a chair in front of your house for hours, doing
nothing / but wearing a hat and drinking cola.’ — Raymond Carver, ‘Shiftless’
[there’s a spot in the woods where once] (Francesca Weekes)
- Splitting (Peter Sparks)
Faffing (Malcolm Guite)
Jacques Pills’ Story? (Peter Sparks)
Faff (Adam Crothers)
January (Adam Crothers)
John Paston III, in my 115th year (James Wade)
“approaching” 76 (Anon)
- [The room was plainness and preparedness] (Anna Nickerson)
A genealoogy of pigeons (Jemimah Hawkes)
shiftless (Stephen Robertson)
Fiona Rae: Maybe you can live on the moon in the next century (Adam Crothers)
Michaelmas term 2019: 27 November
- Theme: Anticipation
- Quotation: ‘She stains the time past, lights the time to come.’ — John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi
- Form: Free verse
Tomorrow (Stephen Robertson)
- [At the coinciding point of the years] (Anna Nickerson)
State of Confusion (Elizabeth Dearden-Williams)
Just you wait (Danny Mieloszik)
[I am sitting at my desk] (Francesca Weekes)
She Stains (Adam Crothers)
RED (Esther Shambira)
Sock (Peter Sparkes)
Richard Dadd: Titania Sleeping (Adam Crothers)
Two Kinds of Anticipation (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
Contra ffures et latrones [Against thieves and robbers] (James Wade)
Little thing (Giorgio Ragozzino)
Michaelmas term 2019: 13 November
- Theme: Transience
- Quotation: ‘I put this moment... here / I put this moment... here / I put this moment / Over here! / Over here!’ — Kate Bush, ‘Jig of Life’
- Form: Ballad
Michaelmas term 2019: 30 October
- Theme: Beginnings
- Quotation: ‘This, in fact, is the power of the imagination, which, combining the memory of gold with that of the mountain, can compose
the idea of a golden mountain.’ — Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose
- Form: Terza Rima
Easter term 2019: 19 June
- Theme: Passage
- Quotation: ‘'Things start and things end, and / Isn't it lovely in theory, but / I could never be / I could never be / I could never
be ready.’ — Rebecca Sugar, ‘Steven Universe’
- Form: Ovillejo
Five Fools (Malcolm Guite)
- I could never be (ready) (David Phillips)
Anathemising the Examiner (Peter Sparks)
Selected Passages (Adam Crothers)
Tale (Stephen Robertson)
Suicide note (Justin Chan)
In the Dark (Anon)
Dash (Adam Crothers)
Rite of Passage (Peter Sparks)
Easter term 2019: 8 May
- Theme: Leviathan
- Quotation: ‘It is human nature to stand in the middle of a thing, but you cannot stand in the middle of this; the sea has nothing to
give but a well excavated grave.’ — Marianne Moore
- Form: Chantey
- Leviathan (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
Bluebell/Pylon (Adam Crothers)
Starfish (Francesca Weekes)
The Plaint of the Small Leviathan (Peter Sparks)
Becalmed (Stephen Robertson)
[Squid] (Rachel Burley)
Son of a whore (Justin Chan)
Leviathan (Malcolm Guite)
Lent term 2019: 6 March
- Theme: Anticipation
- Quotation: ‘I’ve revealed my entrails and shown my guts, there’s nothing left within me to reveal. I will say no more.’ — The Kangxi Emperor's Valedictory Edict, 1717
- Form: Speculative poetry
Lent term 2019: 20 February
- Theme: Rise
- Quotation: ‘When there were no depths, I was brought forth.’ — Proverbs 8:24
- Form: Aubade
Aubade (Francesca Weekes)
- “A Nasty Piece of Work” (Giorgio Ragozzino)
Aubade (Malcolm Guite)
Nothing else (Anon)
The Masquerade (Justin Chan)
Ode to the yeast wind (Stephen Robertson)
How ‘A Blue Bird Starts Out the Day’ (Linda Layne)
Ripples (Connie Sheeran)
The Rise of An Old Historian (Barker Benfield)
Lines prompted by a heraldic crest (Peter Sparks)
A Butt (Adam Crothers)
Lent term 2019: 30 January
- Theme: Distance
- Quotation: ‘It is a most wonderful comfort to sit beneath a lamp, book spread before you, and commune with someone from the past whom
you have never met.’ — Kenkō
- Form: Villanelle
Jump willing in (Stephen Robertson)
[On a dust covered epitaph] (Radost Waszkiewicz)
- Who am I, Bernard? (David Phillips)
[I wrote] (Anon)
Insomnia (Justin Chan)
Gone Away (Peter Sparks)
Distance (Francesca Weekes)
Reading in Bed (Adam Crothers)
Transit (Justin Chan)
Distant (Malcolm Guite)
Michaelmas term 2018: 21 November
- Theme: Revelry
- Form: Heroic Couplet
- Quotation: ‘The three boys do not notice the night. Perhaps some part of them does, but they are young, and drunk, and busy knowing deep in their hearts that they will never
grow old or die. They also know that they are friends, and they share a certain love that will never leave them. The boys know many other things, but none of them seem as important as this. Perhaps they are right.’ — Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind
Attempt #5 (Richard Clements)
[My cheeks are cheese, my spittle milk] (Max Hardy)
Gianni (Kyriakos Velos)
- Revelry (Malcolm Guite)
Revelry (Francesca Weekes)
Fulfillment (Justin Chan)
The Baptism (Justin Chan)
Jump Scare (Adam Crothers)
Scenes from the Parish (Adam Crothers)
Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem (Grevel Lindop)
Michaelmas term 2018: 7 November
- Theme: Alien
- Form: Concrete poetry
- Quotation: ‘I had a terror since September, I could tell to no one; and so I sing, as the boy does by the burying ground, because I
am afraid.’ — Emily Dickinson, 1862
Women (Adam Crothers)
- Nightwatching (Francesca Weekes)
Type right (Stephen Robertson)
- Mosquito nights (KV)
String Theory (Malcolm Guite)
Transmission (Grevel Lindop)
Alien Abroad (anon)
What will look back (Rebecca McNeil)
Riff (Adam Crothers)
[a lien] (Peter Sparks)
Broadcast (anon)
A&E (Peter Sparks)
Michaelmas term 2018: 17 October
- Theme: Rejuvenation
- Form: Haiku
- Quotation: ‘We have taken a new home, and we must exhaust the past before we can finish with the present.’ — Samuel Delaney
Facelift (Peter Sparks)
Breaking up (Anon)
On Malowe’s Ground (Emily Porro)
Three takes on rejuvenation (Malcolm Guite)
Forecast (Jimmy Foster)
Six from ‘On Crumbthings’ (Adam Crothers)
Terrestrial wreath (Kyriakos Velos)
A Night to Remember (Justin Chan)
A Self Portrait (Justin Chan)
Parting waters (Justin Chan)
Rejuvenation (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
Tide (Stephen Robertson)
Easter term 2018: 2 May
- Theme: Bloom
- Form: List/catalogue poem
- Quotation: ‘Grey mists lie where our bright sails flew.’ — Ian Hamilton Finlay, The End
Looking for Echo (Rhona Jamieson)
A LIST POEM (Peter Sparks)
Notes and Acknowledgements (Adam Crothers)
To do (Jimmy Foster)
Things to put inside a poem (Malcolm Kennedy)
F.B.L. (Stephen Robertson)
[A girl of seventeen begins to open up] (David)
A Recipe for Disaster OR A Witch's Gift (Anon)
Not a home (Andreea Ciurea)
Roses, i una nova fulla (Joe Dutton)
Bloomin Marvellous (Anon)
Lent term 2018: 7 March
- Theme: Mystery / Mist-ery
- Form: Ghazal
- Quotation: ‘No. Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.’ — Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Remembering (Malcolm Guite)
Spoiler Alerts (Peter Sparks)
Ever tried (Stephen Robertson)
Trying but not doing (Peter Sparks)
Ulster Poet (Adam Crothers)
What the Seer Saw (Anon)
Nope (Adam Crothers)
[I should yet be lucky whilst I’m still to think (David)
Mist (Jimmy Foster)
Lent term 2018: 21 February
- Theme: Fancy (verb, adjective, noun, take your pick)
- Form: Rhyming couplets
- Quotation: ‘And he flew out of the window on his cooking ladle.’ — Grimms' Fairy Tales.
Are you sitting comfortably? (Anon)
Bitter Chocolate (Andreea Ciurea)
Breaking up (Andreea Ciurea)
Fancy That! (Jimmy Foster)
Poem in Witch Hazel (Adam Crothers)
You (Andreea Ciurea)
Fancy Dog (Peter Sparks)
Fancy that (Stephen Robertson)
Lent term 2018: 7 February
- Theme: Shatter
- Form: Lai
- Quotation: ‘Alternative facts are not facts. They are falsehoods.’ — Chuck Todd
Michaelmas term 2017: 8 November
- Theme: Ritual
- Form: Meredithian sonnet
- Quotation: ‘I, like a river/Have been turned aside by this harsh age.’ — Northern Elegies, Anna Akhmatova
It’s the abyss, but this is still moonlight (David Phillips)
Preliminary ritual (Malcolm Guite)
Limericks for a World Gone Mad (Jimmy Foster)
[kaleidoscopic vision thoughts…] (Allie Turnbull)
[The crisp edges] (Bilal Hasna)
Moss (Andreea Ciurea)
Wussy (Adam Crothers)
Re-formation (Peter Sparks)
[sacrifice my body to your mind] (Ollie)
- Three gay rituals (Richard Clements)
Twice daily (Stephen Robertson)
[What was once a beg…] (Will Hale)
Michaelmas term 2017: 25 October
- Theme: The city
- Form: Concrete poetry
- Quotation: ‘Spending warm summer days indoors…’ — Ask — The Smiths, 1986
- Credit in the city (Peter Sparks)
Square Mile (Stephen Robertson)
[Our words have built cities] (Bilal Hasna)
Site (Andreea Ciurea)
[and maybe the breath] (Bilal Hasna)
Brightside (Will Trinkworth)
Cities (Radost Waszkiewicz)
Oi you shithead that stuff’s expensive (Ollie)
17 Gough Sqaure (Malcolm Guite)
- He who made the Lamb (David Phillips)
Facts (Jimmy Foster)
Minus (Malcolm Kennedy)
Michaelmas term 2017: 11 October
- Theme: Apocalypse
Remembers: he no longer (Matty O’Callaghan)
To persist (Ana-Maria Lopez)
Apocalypse at Carthage (Olivia)
Essential nothing (Andreea Ciurea)
Out of time (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
- l’esprit d’escalier (David Phillips)
Lasting Impression (Anon)
Fireflies (Ana-Maria Lopez)
A cloppy sea (Stephen Robertson)
World’s End (Malcolm Guite)
Returning Often (Ben Jones)
Sestina for Friday 13th October 2017 (Peter Sparks)
Easter term 2017: 14 June
- Theme: Fairytales
- Form: Aubade
- Quotation: ‘'This is the end.’ — The Doors
Easter term 2017: 17 May
- Theme: Machines
- Form: Prose poem
- Quotation: ‘Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we
may not eff it after all.’ — Douglas Adams
Easter term 2017: 3 May
- Theme: Dance
- Form: Ballad
- Quotation: ‘Misbehave more beautifully, more often.’ — Wayne McGregor
- Troubled waters (Stephen Robertson)
Craft (Radost Waszkiewicz)
voskhod (Anon)
Helpless (Adam Crothers)
Invtation (Malcolm Guite)
Debutantes (Ben Jones)
Masmia (Irit Katz Feigis)
Document8 (Malcolm Kane)
A Brief Sermon (Ben Jones)
We Danced a Dance that Died (Laura Pugos)
Splits (Peter Sparks)
Lent term 2017: 8 March
- Theme: Lenses
- Form: Sonnet
- Quotation: ‘Lyra’s Oxford and Will’s would lie over each other again, like transparent images on two sheets of film being moved closer
and closer until they merged - although they would never truly touch.’ — ‘The Amber Spyglass’, Philip Pullman
If I tell you this is a sonnet will you believe me? (Malcolm Guite)
Forehead Kisses (Rebecca Fry)
Lenses (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
Castle Hill (Radost Waszkiewicz)
20/20 Vision (Peter Sparks)
Thought processes: different things (Molly Sempel)
A Lens (Malcolm Guite)
Sunburn (Stephen Robertson)
Cambridge (Adam Crothers)
(blind) (David Phillips)
like a sick eagle looking at the sky (Rachel Burley)
Bambi (Adam Crothers)
Lent term 2017: 15 February
[we all watch shapes in our mirrors] (Malcom Kane)
- luc bat to mr. beam (Megan Fereday)
Hairdresser (Peter Sparks)
Fault (Rachel Burley)
la morsure de l’epaule (David Phillips)
Post truth (Stephen Robertson)
Mirroballs (Adam Crothers)
Mirrors (Malcolm Guite)
Thursday — first day of the week (Radost Waszkiewicz)
Lent term 2017: 1 February
- Theme: Maps
- Form: Ode
- Quotation: ‘Why do you write like you're running out of time?.’ — ‘Non-Stop’, from Lin-Manuel Miranda’s musical ‘Hamilton’
- Breakfast (Radost Waszkiewicz)
Dreamland (Adam Crothers)
Conquest (Grace Murray)
Upscale down (Stephen Robertson)
[There is a recently refurbished railway station] (Malcolm Kane)
OED (David Phillips)
I used the word “fuck” in this poem because “fuck” is how I am feeling today (Malcolm Kane)
Thoughts following the discovery of an old GCSE Geography paper (Peter Sparks)
Who Wrecks It? (Peter Sparks)
Michaelmas term 2016: 23 November
- Theme: Space
- Form: Rondeau
- Quotation: ‘There is a crack in everything / That's how the light gets in.’ — Leonard Cohen 1934-2016
[The week that Leonard Cohen died] (India Harris)
A Light for Leonard Cohen (Adam Crothers)
Leper Island (Georgia Tindale)
- [Ambient objects surrounded me] (Radost Waszkiewicz)
‘God doesn’t tell jokes, he makes witty remarks’ (Rachel Burley)
The Depth of Love (Tony Goryn)
Ordering a mudslide (Adam Crothers)
Landing light (Stephen Robertson)
Like David’s Psalm (Malcolm Guite)
In a nutshell (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
Some Space (Ben Jones)
A Star Shell (Georgia Tindale)
Take a look around (Tony Goryn)
Fling (India Harris)
Switches (Ben Jones)
- Wormholes (Peter Sparks)
Michaelmas term 2016: 2 November
- Theme: Ghosts
- Form: Dramatic monologue
- Quotation: ‘I threw creation to my king / With the silence broken by a whispered wind.’ — ‘Devil’s Spoke’, Laura Marling
Elusive spirit (Radost Waszkiewicz)
‘You need an outlet’ — ‘I think it should be something colourful’ (Matilda Strachan)
Lemon Cheeks (David Phillips)
Ballade of the Ghost in the Machine (Peter Sparks)
[And maybe one day you’ll be on tour} (India Harris)
Stuart Pearson Wright: Take the Night Off (Adam Crothers)
From the Get go, Go get (Tony Goryn)
The Rover [Fragment] (anon)
- Wicker Chair (Mollie Semple)
Rationale (Stephen Robertson)
Ghost Tree (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
A Broken Viduus (Ross)
A song remembered (Malcolm Guite)
Michaelmas term 2016: 19 October
- Theme: Orchards
- Form: Haiku
- Quotation: ‘Go then, there are other worlds than these.’ — Stephen King
Everything changes (anon)
[Hi-vis kids on streets] (Andrea Ciurea)
[Silence from the sea] (Andrea Ciurea)
[I have no attach-] (Andrea Ciurea)
Actaeon (Adam Crothers)
Windfall (Ben Jones)
The Orchard (Tony Goryn)
Orchard (Jimmy)
Thalassa (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
Holding (Ben Wigmore)
[The orchard that I] (anon)
Seasonal change (Megan Fereday)
Live from New York (Rachel Burley)
Wind, fall (Stephen Robertson)
Colander (anon)
[She picks me apples] (David Phillips)
Haiku in old orchard (Peter Sparks)
[She bites the apple] (anon)
Easter term 2016: 15 June
- Theme: the elements
- Form: Tritina
It doesn’t matter where I go (Olivia Crawford)
In hospital (Stephen Robertson)
figure and ground (Ben Jones)
- Pimm’s (Maddy Searle)
[Today on the train home] (Anon)
Frames (Ben Redwood)
[We wore the night across our eyes] (Megan)
Then let fall… (Peter Sparks)
Easter term 2016: 27 April
- Theme: Phone Calls
- Form: Septilla
- Quotation: ‘There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired.’ — F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
The Season (Anon)
Milky Twilight (Maddy Searle)
- Phonecall (Lottie Limb)
Sometimes it Snows in April (Ben Jones)
Umbrella (Anon)
phone call (Jack)
CD (Stephen Robertson)
Sleepy Third Wheel (Ben Jones)
Lent term 2016: 2 March
- Theme: Fairytales
- Theme 2: Easter
- Form: Villanelle (some of the best examples are ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night’, ‘One Art’, ‘Milkweed and Monarch’, ‘Mad
Girl’s Love Song’, and Empson’s ‘Villanelle’ and ‘Missing Dates’)
- Quotation: ‘Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet.’ — Gerard Manley Hopkins
Poohsticks (Ben Jones)
Easter Wings (Adam Crothers)
Ode to a tree (Olivia Crawford)
An Uncertain Romance (Ben Jones)
Sun Bathing in Dark Glasses (Tony Goryn)
No Fairy Story (Peter Sparks)
Unwrapped (Ben Jones)
On Easter Day (Malcolm Guite)
Poem (Jack)
- Buffy (Maddy Searle)
The world just so (Stephen Robertson)
Lent term 2016: 10 February
- Theme: Paint
- Form: Nonsense verse
- Quotation: ‘You wrote your number on my hand / But it came off in the rain.’ — ‘Young Love’ by Mystery Jets and Laura Marling
Housepaint (Stephen Robertson)
John Craxton: Portrait of Sonia (Adam Crothers)
Dear, Babycarrot (Olivia Crawford)
Saussure’s (India Harris)
The Meaning of Loff (Maddie Searle)
Ultramarine (Peter Sparks)
[An hour until Poetry Group] (Ben Jones)
what (Anon)
Today We Have Naming of Paints (Peter Sparks)
[I could tell right away] (Olivia Crawford)
Lines written a few hundred yards from Cindies (Ben Jones)
Lent term 2016: 20 January
- Theme: Navigation
- Form: Sonnet
- Quotation: “I’m not any good at pottery / So let’s lose a ‘t’ and just shift back the ‘e’ / And I’ll find a way to make my poetry /
Build a roof over our heads.” — Billy Bragg
Michaelmas term 2015: 25 November
- Theme: Museums
- Form: Heptameter
- Quotation: ‘'What is that you express in your eyes? It seems to me more than all the print I have read in my life.’ — Walt Whitman
Seven what? (Stephen Robertson)
Recovery (Yaseen Kader)
[The silence roars in my ears] (Olivia Crawford)
Slugs (Adam Crothers)
A Possible Entry into the Museum of Humanity, to Commemorate the Year 2015 (Ben Jones)
Museum (Tony Goryn)
Anxiety Disorder (Yaseen Kader)
British Museum (India Harris)
Yours, Toulouse Lautrec (Anon)
Clavadel Hotel (Peter Sparks)
The Elegist (Ben Jones)
Exhibit (Hope Doherty)
In the Museum of Christmas (Peter Sparks)
Museum (Maddy Searle)
- Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (Anonymous)
Michaelmas term 2015: 4 November
- Theme: Fire
- Form: Pantoum
- Quotation: Any line (or lines) from November Song — Stornoway
- Flash News (Lottie Limb)
[Busy in the Kings Head tonight] (Jade Harding)
Chains (Anon)
Bonfire (Stephen Robertson)
5:03 (Matilda Strachman)
The Baptist (Will Lyon Tupman)
Boondoggle (Tony Goryn)
One of our cushions (Stephen Robertson)
[My world is not] (Claire Males)
The Blind Man Who Lives In The River (Hope Doherty)
On Mark Henley's ‘November Song’ as Performed by The Flash Girls (Adam Crothers)
Banality (Maddy Searle)
Edmvnd Spenser’s Faerie Qveen (Anon)
[Like cartoon-villains] (Olivia Crawford)
Washed Ashore (Ben Jones)
Resolution (Tony Goryn)
November’s Song (Malcolm Guite)
Michaelmas term 2015: 14 October
- Theme: Trains
- Form: Kyrielle
- Quotation: ‘It’s not quite love and it’s not quite community; it's just this feeling that there are people, an abundance of people,
who are in this together.’ — Marina Keegan, The Opposite of Loneliness
Jubilee (Yaseen Kader)
Train to Dublin (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
Beneath the surface of the Girton pond (Jade Harding)
Zoetrope (Ben Jones)
Different Trains (Malcolm Guite)
Train (imperative) (Peter Sparks)
- Temple (Maddy Searle)
[The next train to depart] (Stephen)
[And there she stood] (Olivia Crawford)
[to share] (Maddie Searle)
Brief Encounter (Adam Crothers)
Traversal (Benedict)
- Fatherland (Maddy Searle)
Long ago (Stephen Robertson)
Lent term 2015: 4 March
- Theme: Hibernation
- Form: Prose-poetry
- Quotation: ‘But the wild things cried, “Oh please don't go - we'll eat you up - we love you so!” And Max said, “No!” The wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their
terrible claws but Max stepped into his private boat and waved goodbye.’ — Maurice Sendak, Where the Wild Things Are
Lent term 2015: 11 February
- Theme: The Scientist
- Form: Rictameter
- Quotation: ‘And the rest is rust and stardust.’ — V. Nabokov
Lent term 2015: 28 January
- Theme: Siblings
- Form: Sapphic stanza
- Quotation: ‘You alone are enough.’ — Maya Angelou
Michaelmas term 2014: 26 November
- Theme: Candles
- Form: the Double-Dactyl.
- Quotation: ‘Would you believe in what you believe if you were the only one who believed it?’ — Kanye West.
Michaelmas term 2014: 5 November
- Theme: Fight!
- Form: An age old classic neglected by poetry group: The Sonnet.
- Quotation: ‘The sad truth is that evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.’ — Hannah Arendt
Two Little Boys: A Recuperation (Anon)
Bildungsroman on Pause (Maddy Searle)
Plague (Stephen Robertson)
From since you’ve grown distant (Ben Redwood)
[We are liberated] (Alex Pytka)
Galvanise (Tony Goryn)
The Fight (Tony Goryn)
Liturgy for a Demo (Gerry Dorrin)
Out of a Molehill (Peter Sparks)
Fight (Peter Sparks)
{I came to realise today] (Olivia Crawford)
Fight-or-Flight (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
Michaelmas term 2014: 22 October
- Theme: Music
- Form: the Kyrielle
- Quotation: ‘In nature there are few sharp lines.’ — A. R. Ammons
Child, Ghost (Hope Wolf)
Sterile Ground (Olivia Crawford)
Boy (Stav Poleg)
- “In Nature There Are Few Sharp Lines” (Yaseen Kader)
Immigrants’ flat (Irit Katz Feigis)
A Kind of Progress (Ben Jones)
[Beautiful girl with a broken smile] (Alex Pytka)
Our Odyssey (Ben Jones)
Sharp lines (Stephen Robertson)
Merely Players (Peter Sparks)
Two raps (Alex Pytka)
Easter term 2014: 12 June
- Form: ‘Fib’ or ‘Fibonacci poem’ : Fib is an experimental Western poetry form, bearing similarities to haiku, but based on the Fibonacci sequence. That is, the typical fib and one version of the contemporary Western haiku both follow a strict structure. The typical fib is a six line, 20 syllable poem with a syllable count by line of 1/1/2/3/5/8 - with as many syllables per
line as the line's corresponding place in the Fibonacci sequence.
- Form: ‘Palindrome poem’: a poem that reads the same running forward as running backward
Easter term 2014: 30 April
- Form: any form you've always wanted to try but haven't been brave enough to!
- Theme: lost and found
- Quotation: ‘The art of losing isn't hard to master; so many things seem filled with the intent to be lost that their loss is no disaster…’ — ‘One Art’, Elizabeth Bishop
Lent term 2014: 5 March
- Theme: Parties and celebrations
- Quotation: ‘Thus play I in one person many people, And none contented.’ — Shakespeare, Richard II, Act V Sc. 5
- Form: Ghazal
- Bonus theme: Hermit crabs
Terminal (Malcolm Guite)
Hermit crab guzzle (Hannah Greenstreet)
Inventory (Olivia Crawford)
The Hermit (Tony Goryn)
Fable (Olivia Crawford)
Angels and demons (Robert Calvert)
[4am and I cannot sleep] (Anon)
Carapace (Stephen Robertson)
Just Another Party (Maddy Searle)
- In search of (Mark Vuaran)
Pelmanism (Peter Sparks)
Lent term 2014: 19 February
- Theme: Romance
- Theme: The Sea
- Form: Dramatic verse
Down the Ringing Grooves (Adam Crothers)
Larkin Said (Tony Goryn)
A Dialogue with No-one (Maddy Searle)
- Pallium (Mark Vuaran)
Bad romance (Hannah Greenstreet)
English summer again (Irit Katz Feigis)
Kintsugi (Olivia Crawford)
Aisles (Peter Sparks)
The Secret Haiku Society (Maddy Searle)
Story (Stephen Robertson)
Lent term 2014: 29 January
- Theme: New beginnings
- Form: Vers libre
- Theme: Cryptography or Mystery
Michaelmas term 2013: 27 November
- Form: Pantoum
- Theme and quotation: Painting — ‘I don't paint dreams or nightmares, I paint my own reality.’ — Frida Kahlo
- Poems for inspiration: [little tree] by e.e. cummings; The Muppet Christmas Carol
Reality (Stephen Robertson)
Christ;)m(a)(e)s)s) (Tony Goryn)
Angerona (India Harris)
Phantom (Adam Crothers)
The sympathy of things (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
Pontius (Lottie Limb)
The best part (Olivia Crawford)
3 Haiku (Ben Redwood)
- Fugue by water (Mark Vuaran)
Hymn to a school christmas (Hannah Greenstreet)
Leonardo (Anon)
Sand (Anon)
- Before Christmas (Maddy Searle)
Michaelmas term 2013: 13 November
- Theme: mirrors
- Form: cento - a poem composed of bits taken from other authors, in a new form or order. Poetic plagiarism?
- Quotation: ‘I need a little language such as lovers use, words of one syllable such as children speak when they come into the room and
find their mother sewing and pick up some scrap of bright wool, a feather, or a shred of chintz. I need a howl; a cry. When the storm crosses the marsh and sweeps over me where I lie in the ditch unregarded I need no words.’ — Virginia Woolf, The Waves
Mirror (Tom)
Foetus (Irit Katz Feigis)
Et In Arcadia (Anon)
Three Haiku (Robbie)
Another reflection (Olivia Crawford)
Ofa Simple Soul (Tony Goryn)
Melusine (Mark Duaran)
[The escort woke up to the sound of a wave] (Anon)
On Monday (Elizabeth)
A Centurion Cento (Verity Roat)
All done with mirrors (Stephen Robertson)
[Not read] Fukushima Funeral Blues
[Not read] Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Michaelmas term 2013: 30 October
- Theme: leaves
- Form: Terza rima
- Quotation: ‘When I remember it, I think of it as dancing. Dancing with eyes half closed because to open them would break the spell. Dancing as if language had surrendered to movement - as if this ritual, this worldless ceremony, was now the way to speak,
to whisper private and sacred things, to be in touch with otherness. Dancing as if the very heart of life and all its hopes might be found in those assuaging notes and those hushed rhythms and
in those silent and hypnotic movements. Dancing as if language no longer existed because words were no longer necessary.’ — Brial Friel, Dancing at Lughnasa.
Easter term 2013: 8 May
- Theme: Photography
- Form: Clerihew
- Quotation: ‘Be always drunken. / Nothing else matters: / ...’ — 'Paris Spleen', Charles Baudelaire
Five politicians … and one poet (Stephen Robertson)
Clerihews (Malcolm Guite)
Overhang (Adam Crothers)
Clerihugh; Clerihull; Clerihughes; Clerihill (Adam Crothers)
Photography (Malcolm Guite)
Clerihews on Camera (Peter Sparks)
[Sit, stare, think] (Rory Duffin)
Prufrock’s Butterfly (Geogia Wagstaff)
The Beauty of Mary — by Brick and Lully (Tony Goryn)
Lent term 2013: 6 March
- Learning/Discovery
- Easter/Ostara
- Inspiration: ‘Anything but iambic’. Write in a metre you might not usually write in!
- Form: Elegy - a mournful or plaintive poem, a lament.
Lent term 2013: 13 February
- Form: Dramatic Monologue
- Risk OR Cliché
- ‘I hold it true, whate’er befall; / I feel it, when I sorrow most; / ’Tis better to have loved and lost / Than never to have
loved at all.’ — Alfred Tennyson
- ‘'It has become almost a cliché to remark that nobody boasts of ignorance of literature, but it is socially acceptable to
boast ignorance of science and proudly claim incompetence in mathematics.’ — Richard Dawkins
[you curse him] (Anon)
[I was the sound of love un-open] (Johnny Burtka)
[What happens when your heart just stops (Tony Goryn)
Air (Malcolm Guite)
Soul Searching (Rory Duffin)
Pussy Rot (Adam Crothers)
Lent term 2013: 30 January
- Nocturne-inspired by or evocative of the night.
- Form: Roundel
- ‘…everything in the rubbish-heaped world / Is a bridesmaid at her miracle. / Dunghills and crumbly dark old barns are bowed in the chapel of her sparkle. / The gruesome boggy cellars of the wood / Are a wedding of lace / Now taking place.’ — Ted Hughes, ‘Snow and Snow’
[You always liked to write] (Hannah Greenstreet)
Dawn (Adam Crothers)
- La Belle Dame (Tony Goryn)
Bacon Porter (Johnny Burtka)
On Betrayal (Ben Redwood)
Insomnia (Anon)
Is it time again? (Georgia Wagstaff)
Untitled (Rory Duffin)
The Lieder — a rondeau (Stephen Robertson)
[Fresh out of the University Library] (Amy Jeffs)
Michaelmas term 2012: 14 November
- Witnessing — ‘I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus, / Underneath the mistletoe last night.’
- ‘If ifs, ands and buts were sweets and nuts, we'd all have a wonderful Christmas.’
- ‘Form is content-as-arranged; content is form-as-deployed.’ — Helen Vendler
The Bonfires Are Burning (Tom Houlton)
Planet Pain (Irit Katz Feigis)
Invocation (Georgia Wagstaff)
I (Sara Stillwell)
Sing to me, Muse (Peter Sparks)
Form Filling (Peter Sparks)
- [In my Grandmother’s homeland] (Amy Jeffs)
Tumbling (Rory Duffin)
Hoja (Ben Redwood)
Late Summer, adventuring (Becky Jones)
3am (Sadh O’Sullivan)
Michaelmas term 2012: 24 October
- Theme: Sculpture (or indeed sculpting)
- Theme: Magnets
- Form: Prose Poem
- Quotation: ‘A gutter of poetry flowed outside the yard, Making me think I was a bird of prose; For overhead, bagged in a golden cloud,
There hung the fatted souls of animals, Wile at my eyes bright dots of butterflies Turned off and on like distant neon signs.’ — Karl Shapiro, ‘A Garden in Chicago’
Strigil Sarcophagus (Peter Sparks)
Swimming Reindeer (Tony Goryn)
Restoration (Stephen Robertson)
[Stop growing] (Anon)
[October] (Camilla Seale)
[you nettle me as we tessellate like honeycomb] (Georgia Wagstaff)
Supine Solipsism (Antonina Tobolewska)
The Morning (Adam Crothers)
Dear Dido (Yaseen Kader)
Living prose (Hannah Greenstreet)
A walk home (Irit Katz Feigis)
Set in Stone (Craig Slade)
Michaelmas term 2012: 10 October
- Form: An Ode ‘An elaborately formal lyric poem, often in the form of a lengthy ceremonious address to a person or abstract entity,
always serious and elevated in tone.’ (apparently)
- Theme: Wealth ‘A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of.’ — Jane Austen, ‘Mansfield Park’
- Theme: Renewal/Decay: ‘Something is in the line and air along edges, which is in woods when the leaf changes and in the leaf-pattern's gives and
gauges.’ — Alice Oswald, ‘Mountains’
Easter term 2012: 13 June
- The Roundel
- The Sea
- Irish Proverb: 'Is maith an scéalaí an aimsir' - Time is a good storyteller
- Freedom
Easter term 2012: 9 May
- Trains / Train stations and/or Patience
- ‘Probably one of the most private things in the world is an egg until it is broken.’ — Mary Frances Fisher, US gastronome and writer
- Form: Sestina (examples include Ian Patterson's 'Sestina' as one that uses as line endings words that have several meanings, and
Seamus Heaney's 'Two Lorries' where the line endings are words with, in principle at least, only one meaning)
Lent term 2012: 7 March
- ‘I see myself as a fish in the stream; deflected; held in place; but cannot describe the stream’ — Virginia Woolf, ‘A Sketch
of the Past’
- Petrarchan sonnet: having an octave rhyming abbaabba, and a sestet rhyming cdecde (or variant thereof)
- Astrology (and maybe astronomy, too)
- Free verse. It might also be interesting to think about this quotation from Auden’s ‘The Dyer’s Hand’: ‘The difference between formal and free verse may be likened to the difference between carving and modelling; the formal poet,
that is to say, thinks of the poem he is writing as something already latent in the language which he has to reveal, while
the free-verse poet thinks of language as a plastic passive medium upon which he imposes his artistic conception.’
[On the ceilings where you lie] (Anon)
Torpor (Malcolm Guite)
A poem for free (Stephen Robertson)
Jack-O’-Lantern (Seán Hewitt)
Searching (Tony Goryn)
You Always Bury Me (Tom Houlton)
To you, my sister, on the occasion of your 15th birthday (Manavi Sachdeva)
So what if Petrarch was born under Cancer? (Peter Sparks)
[Face turned down] (Anon)
Lent term 2012: 15 February
- ‘The etymologist finds the deadest word to have been once a brilliant picture. Language is fossil poetry’ — Emerson, ‘The Poet’
- ‘The busy bee has no time for sorrow’ — Blake, ‘The Marriage of Heaven and Hell’
- Translation (for any budding linguists in our midst)
- The hilariously-named 'Nonnet' (see here for details)
A Time for Sorrow (Marin)
Graptolite at Aber Eiddy (Peter Sparks)
Ism nonnet? (Peter Sparks)
Denial (Tony Goryn)
Translation (Malcom Guite)
Terzaneeel (Adam Crothers)
Máire Ní Eidhin (Seán Hewitt)
Nonnet — Sonnet (Stephen Robertson)
Crow Snow (Adam Crothers)
Bryd One Brere (Anna Reynolds)
Lent term 2012: 1 February
- Collage - ‘A term adopted from the vocabulary of painters to denote a work which contains a mixture of allusions, references,
quotations, and foreign expressions’. See particularly sections of David Jones’s Anathemata, or Eliot’s The Wasteland
- ‘The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us; and I for one must be content to remain an agnostic’ — Charles
- ‘Scansion’, from the Latin ‘scandere’, ‘to climb’
- Form: Villanelle
On the Origin of ‘On the Origin of Species’ (Helen)
Convert (Helen)
Night thoughts (Hannah Greenstreet)
An interview (Malcolm Guite)
S[can’t]sion (Craig Slade)
Man’s Land (Tony Goryn)
The moon in June (Stephen Robertson)
Deadication (Adam Crothers)
Colourless green ideas found sleeping furiously (Stephen Robertson)
Speech Therapy (Seán Hewitt)
Villanell Fire (Adam Crothers)
Little Viennese Waltz (Helen)
Blasket (Seán Hewitt)
Terzanelle (Peter Sparks)
Michaelmas term 2011: 23 November
- ‘Christmas to a child is the first terrible proof that to travel hopefully is better than to arrive.’ — Stephen Fry
- Narrative poetry - tell us a story!
- ‘Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures
of his youth, and transport the traveler back to his own fireside and quiet home!’ — Charles Dickens
- Form: Haiku
Cold words (Anna Reynolds)
[Christmas Eve] (Tom Houlton)
Stuffed (Hannah Greenstreet)
Light and shadow (Stephen Robertson)
Jewish Immigrants (Irit Katz Feigis)
Chistmas? (Andy Connolly)
[In the old orange box] (Seán Hewit)
Numbers: A Story (Malcolm Guite)
Christmas Day (Tony Goryn)
Michaelmas term 2011: 2 November
- Prose Poetry. This really is great. There are a few nice examples in Heaney's ‘District and Circle’ if I remember correctly. Anyway, Wikipedia is, as ever, the king of knowledge.
- . ‘A figure of speech in which a thing, a place, an abstract quality, an idea, a dead or absent person, is addressed as if present
and capable of understanding’. Think Wordsworth's ‘London, 1812’.
- ‘Sin and love and fear are just sounds that people who never sinned nor loved nor feared have for what they never had and
cannot have until they forget the words.’ — William Faulkner, ‘As I Lay Dying’
Apostrophe (Malcolm Guite)
[I tried silence] (Hannah Watson)
Library (Annwyn Eades)
Cycling King’s Parade (Irit Katz Feigis)
Vagrant monosyllables (Stephen Robertson)
Two our thirty-three… and beyond! (Craig Slade)
Market Apostrophe (Peter Sparks)
[who are these?] (Georgia Wagstaff)
[your prosaic trowsers] (Georgia Wagstaff)
As soon as I love her (Adam Crothers)
[my mouth hangs] (Tom Houlton)
Correspondence (Anon)
Michaelmas term 2011: 19 October
- ‘I wish our clever young poets would remember my homely definitions of prose and poetry; that is, prose = words in their best
order; poetry = the best words in their best order.’ — Samuel Taylor Coleridge, ‘Table Talk’, 1821—1834
- Form: the dramatic monologue (see Robert Browning's ‘Men and Women’ for some of the most famous examples).
- ‘English not being yet a language, I wrapped my lubber-lips around my thumb; Brain-deaf as an embryo, I was snuggled in my
comfort blanket dumb.’ — Ciaran Carson, ‘Second Language’
Love Son (Anna Reynolds)
Minute Waltz (Hannah Watson)
Splendid (Peter Sparks)
The word (Stephen Robertson)
I Want To Go On The London Eye (Tony Goryn)
Equinox (Tom Houlton)
New beginnings (Hannah Greenstreet)
[The talons of persistence] (Mohammed Ali)
Table Talk (Malcolm Guite)
Easter term 2011: 23 June
- Theme 1: Ambivalence
- Theme 2: Vorticism, which can be roughly defined as movement and machinery in language.
- Quotation: ‘Thou shalt not use poetry, art and music to get into girls’ pants; use it to get into their heads.’ — Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip, ‘Thou Shalt Always Kill’
Kindness (Tony Goryn)
Vorticists of Earth Now (Adam Crothers)
Sculpting the Vortex (Stephen Robertson)
A song for Gill (Andy Connolly)
Arachne Spins a Yarn (Becca Cawley)
[The beasts of the far hour] (Mohammad Ali)
Penelope’s Poetics (Peter Sparks)
Walking Tour: Monument (1677 — Present (Tom Houlton)
Easter term 2011: 1 June
- Theme: Rain
- Quotation: ‘One too many mornings and a thousand miles behind.’ — Bob Dylan
- Form: Pantoum
Or Nothing (Adam Crothers)
Northern Rain (Andy Connolly)
A Pantoum for the Rain Man (Malcolm Guite)
Among the lace and weeds (Amy Jeffs)
Taking your Name (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
[Listen ye atoms of passivity] (Mohammad Ali)
Baby Moses Pharaoh’s Daughter (Arjun Jindal)
Double Decker Bus Window Reflections (Tony Goryn)
Revision (Ryan O'Sullivan)
Morning (Stephen Robertson)
Easter term 2011: 18 May
- Theme 1: Ovid, The Heroides
- Theme 2: The Elements
- Form: The Sonnet
Animal Testing, Testing… (Adam Crothers)
The Elements (Amy Jeffs)
The Isomer (Tony Goryn)
Monster (Arjun Jindal)
Four Voices (Malcolm Guite)
Penelope’s Wait (Tony Goryn)
Held (Adam Crothers)
I tell ye’ there’s nout worse than a woman scorned (Anon)
[Standing to the side of the escalator] (Seán Hewitt)
Periodical (Stephen Robertson)
Water (Mohammad Ali)
Lent term 2011: 9 March
- ‘Revolution’ It's in the air and in the news at the moment. Here's a few lines by Wordsworth, responding to the French Revolution: “Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, / But to be young was very heaven!-Oh! times, / In which the meagre, stale, forbidding ways / Of custom, law, and statute, took at once / The attraction of a country
in romance!”
- ‘Intimacy’ Think about different kinds of intimacy and how poetry might be able to bridge the gaps between people; or not. Here's a sample of Philip Larkin's bed-time chat to urge you to develop your own: “None of this cares for us. Nothing shows why / At this unique distance from isolation / It becomes still more difficult to find / Words at once true
and kind / Or not untrue and not unkind.”
- Form: The “Complaint”: (a poem of protest or lament, typically at amorous disappointment, betrayal or desertion; in the decades around 1600 deeply
caught up with the epyllion and sonnet-sequence, not least in Shakespeare); or Ottava Rima: stanzas of eight lines; iambic pentameter; rhyming abababcc.
[In February I gave you a pastry] (Anna Reynolds)
Mistakes (Malcolm Guite)
Cuirim mo dhóchas ar snámh i mbáidín tengn (Seán Hewitt)
Anne Milton, June 1663 (Becca Cowley)
Sediment/Sentiment (Andy Connolly)
[In the valley of my dreams] (Mohammad Ali)
An Intimate Complaint (Adam Crothers)
Eyes! (Arjun Jindal)
Storm / Red Umbrella (Kate Kennedy)
[Chicken, chicken] (Theo Kennedy)
The Art ofn One-Night Stands (Tom Houlton)
‘You can do no harm’ (Peter Sparks)
Lent term 2011: 23 February
- Ekphrasis, which is ‘the intense pictorial descriptions of an object, especially an art object'. Some examples of 'art objects’ you might like to describe are here, here, and here, but, of course, please feel free to use whatever you wish.
- syllabic verse, which is written not according to metre, but according to the number of syllables in a line. An example is Marianne Moore’s No Swan So Fine.
- Springtime.
Lorenzo and Isabella (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
Hopper Choka (Stephen Robertson)
Saint George and the Dragon (Malcolm Guite)
- looking (Andy Connolly)
Crocus (Becca Cowley)
Anticricket (Adam Crothers)
After seeing Marc Quinn’s Garden (Maren Kratz)
Riptide (Arjun Jindal)
Her my Rhymes (Mohammed Ali)
Lent term 2011: 2 February
- ‘Concrete Poetry’ - a form in which attention is paid to the layout, spacing and general visual-ness of the poem (see here). This could range from just thinking more than usual about the white space around the poem, or creating an elephant with line
length. An example is George Herbert’s ‘Easter Wings’.
- ‘Paraphrasing’ or ‘Retelling.’ So - a return to a famous myth or story. For example, something like ‘Leda and the Swan’ or Angela Carter's retellings of fairy tales in ‘The Bloody Chamber.’ See here or here.
- “Women don't know the offside rule.” — Andy Gray
Michaelmas term 2010: 1 December
- “Christmas is a time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults
pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell the government what they
want and their kids pay for it.” — Richard Lamm
- “There has been only one Christmas — the rest are anniversaries.” — W. J. Cameron
- And here's a little something to get you thinking about form, without me setting a form for our next meeting:
“Poetry is not instruments /
that work at times /
then walk out on you /
laugh at you old /
get drunk on you young /
poetry's part of yourself.” — Frank O'Hara
He stares at his wife (Abi Williams)
The Ant’s Last Song to his Queen (Mohammed Ali)
‘Poetry’s Part of Yourself’ (Peter Sparks)
First Christmas (Malcolm Guite)
Capricorn (Tom Houlton)
Fused (Becky)
Ballade at the Solstice (Peter Sparks)
Matthew (Adam Crothers)
- why i’m getting into Christmas (Andy Connolly)
The Lady’s Maid (Stephen Robertson)
[Birth spat me out] (Anna Reynolds)
[Things have cooled, you could say] (Becca Cowley)
Unfinished Business (Duncan Evans)
Justice (Becky)
Michaelmas term 2010: 10th November
- Dramatic Monologue: a speech in which a persona accounts an event/reveals their feelings at a specific dramatic moment - a form without a set
verse structure. See here. Or anything by Robert Browning (my personal favourite is ‘Porphyria’s Lover’)
- “I’m glad I exist” — Wendy Cope (because we don't want any 5th week blues)
- The Christmas poem competition (the winner of which will be set to music courtesy of the college organ scholars)
Gladknots (Stephen Robertson)
Song of the Tarzan Chameleon (Adam Crothers)
Blues for Kaki King (Adam Crothers)
- rehabilitation (Andy Connolly)
Disillusioned (Becca Cowley)
[My feet firm in the daylight] (Mohammed Ali)
[You say you hate my crisp reality (Anna Reynolds)
Conkers (Sophie Davies)
Rearrangement (Peter Sparks)
Michaelmas term 2010: 20th October
- Alliterative verse (see here)
- ‘A poem is never finished, only abandoned.’ — Paul Valéry
- [A spinning spider] (Rachel Knowler)
[I see your face in the milk-white moon] (Anna Reynolds)
[The drying heat of the radiator] (Seán Hewitt)
Fragment (Stephen Robertson)
Orpheus, on his deathbed, remembers (Becca Cowley)
[Outside an owl calls to an empty sky] (Malcolm Guite)
Eight (Yanah Nightingale)
[It was the end of something as much as the start] (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
Easter term 2010: 2nd June
- Freedom
- ‘Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be safely and quietly insane each night of our lives.’
- Jazz poetry (see here)
You (Abi Williams)
[Ah, you’ll be so beautiful] (Okey Nzelu)
Record of several nights’s entertainment (Cicely Taube)
Good vibrations (Stephen Robertson)
Human birdsong (Eleanor Hardy)
Icarus (Becca Cowley)
Oversea (Adam Crothers)
Lent term 2010: 28th April
- ‘We all of us compose verse to some sort of tune.’ — Ezra Pound, I Gather the Limbs of Osiris
- ‘[...] I ask in all honesty,/ What would life be?/ Without a song or dance, what are we?’ — Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus, Mamma Mia
- Sprung rhythm (or an approximation thereof).
Trill (?)
Two photographs of John Lee Hooker’s guitar (Adam Crothers)
See-through blues (Malcolm Guite)
[The mother of his seven sons] (?)
I can’t hear (Eleanor Hardy)
Tidesong (Stephen Robertson)
Spring rhythm (Peter Sparks)
A manly poem (Peter Sparks)
Philomel, transfigured (Becca Cowley)
[Up here, the air is cold] (Seán Hewitt)
Stone cottage: a sprung dialogue (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
Lent term 2010: 10th March
- Quotation: ‘It is really about telling the story. Good fiction is the truest thing that ever there was. Facts are not necessarily the only truths. Facts can be fiddled with by economists and bankers. There are other kinds of truth. It's about telling the story.’ — Arundhati Roy, The Chequebook & the Cruise-Missile
- Form: Prose poetry.
- Theme:
(click to see larger version)
Song (Abi Williams)
That’s it (Helen Davidson)
On the level (Peter Sparks)
Advice to a statesman (Malcolm Guite)
Truth (Helen Davidson)
There Are Moments (Okey Nzelu)
riversong (Becca Cowley)
[I danced in the garden] (Abi Williams)
Fragments of a life (Stephen Robertson)
Superman, Diminishing, Returns (Adam Crothers)
Lent term 2010: 17th February
The fantastic Elaine Feinstein, from the fantastic poem, 'Companionship':
...Today I was watching
a grey squirrel fly in the beech trees when
your words reached into me: 'You know,
a poet isn't much of a companion.'
The pentain, which is a five-line stanza. I won't set any metrical or rhyme-scheme restrictions (but feel free to restrict yourselves!). According to The Poetry Handbook, pentains are uncommon, but examples can be found in Larkin's 'Annus Mirabilis', bits of 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' and, of course, the limerick.
Epic poetry: any aspect, character, scene or thing thereof. Use or abuse this prompt how you will. In case you opt out of writing an actual epic poem, plenty of writers have of course written dramatic monologues based on
epic poems or their characters, or other reinterpretations. Maybe take a look at this poem by W. S. Merwin inspired by Homer's Odyssey. Oooh, or this one, by Louise Gluck! Or maybe (re)read Chaucer's House of Fame.
Cinquain (Orla Garrigan-Mattar)
Wordsworth's Boat (Adam Crothers)
Anna (Okey Nzelu)
Ulysses (Okey Nzelu)
Your snore (Stephen Robertson)
The Sennacherib Dossiers (Peter Sparks)
Nothing Said (Malcolm Guite)
when i woke up (Abi Williams)
Francesca Straight from Hell (Maren Kratz)
Odysseus, aged 18 (Eleanor Hardy)
Lent term 2010: 3rd February
- Theme:
(click to see larger version)
- Quotation: 'It is widely supposed that the naked human body is in itself an object upon which the eye dwells with pleasure. But anyone who has frequented art schools and seen the shapeless, pitiful model which the students are industriously drawing
will know this is an illusion.'
— Kenneth Clark, The Nude
- Form: ottava rima. that is, 8 lines, usually in iambic pentameter, rhyming abababcc.
The Girton Pioneer (Malcolm Guite)
Seven (Abi Williams)
The Riverbank Club (Helen Davidson)
- In a charity shop (Seán Hewitt)
For Robert Graves (Stephen Robertson)
[My eyes prickle] (Abi Williams)
Monday Morning Early (Eleanor Hardy)
By the Okra and Baked Beans Tins (Okey Nzelu)
Self-pretence (Peter Sparks)
Lent term 2010: 20th January
Michaelmas term 2009: 2nd December
- Theme 1: the following people were born and died on christmas day: born: annie lennox (1954); humphrey bogart (1899); pope pius vi (1717); sir isaac newton (1642) died: james brown (2006); johnny ace (1954); elizabeth petrovna [empress of russia 1741-1761] (1761); pope adrian I (795).
- Theme 2: ‘In the Middle Ages, boar’s head used to be a traditional Christmas dish. This custom started when a boar attacked a university student and he saved himself by ramming a book of Aristotle's writings
down its throat. The boar choked to death and then he cut off its head and brought it back to his college.’ — from a website about christmas trivia. given its provenance it is almost certainly true.
- Form 1: the english version of the sapphic ode: each stanza contains three lines of iambic tetrameter followed by a final line of four equally stressed syllables; rhyme
scheme abab. can be used loosely.
- Form 2: limerick
Four Moreish Things (Malcolm Guite)
A Christmas Ode (Malcolm Guite)
Anode (Adam Crothers)
2—4—6—8 (Peter Sparks)
Christmas Disillusion (Peter Sparks)
- Drink and be merry (Abi Williams)
Apples (Cicely Taube)
Always (Ryan O'Sullivan)
Typode to Abi (Adam Crothers)
- A Hymn to a Loved One (Eleanor Hardy)
James Brown (Adam Crothers)
The apple said (Stephen Robertson)
The Metal and the Mystery (Okey Nzelu)
Michaelmas term 2009: 8th November
- Theme: place
below is a list of places, one, all, or none of which you may like to visit.
- woodland's court, late at night
- 'a' corridor (follow it right to the end where it starts smelling strongly of wood)
- the motorway bridge on the way from girton to the co-op
- castle mound
- garret hostel bridge
- the grand arcade
- Form: rhyming couplets
Michaelmas term 2009: 28th October
- Quotation: ‘I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve it through not dying.’ — Woody Allen
- Form: dactylic meter
Michaelmas term 2009: 14th October
- Theme: Patterns in nature: examples below
Easter term 2009: 17th June
The Eyes Have It (Kate Houston)
Shingle Street (Stephen Robertson)
Sunsets (Breanne McIvor)
Passengers’ Luggage in Advance (Peter Sparks)
The Archaeologist (Adam Crothers)
- Sidings (AZB)
After the Brak Ball (Peter Sparks)
Time in my temples (Malcolm Guite)
Easter term 2009: 13th May
- Quotation: ‘Throw your homework onto the fire.’ — The Smiths
- Theme: compass
Compass (Malcolm Guite)
Due North (Kate Houston)
Hubris (AZB)
- Compass Reading (Peter Sparks)
North, west (Stephen Robertson)
Circle line (Stephen Robertson)
Pilgrim (Claire Rainsford)
Compass Song (Adam Crothers)
Sunsets (Breanne McIvor)
Easter term 2009: 6th May
- Quotation: ‘A Pang is more conspicuous in Spring.’ — Emily Dickinson
- Theme: salvage
- No Salvage (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
The bench (Stephen Robertson)
[Salvage the slivers of skin] (Breanne McIvor)
Tidemills (Claire Rainsford)
Salvage (Malcolm Guite)
January (Peter Sparks)
A Pang for the End of Summer (Helen Holmes)
Pang (Adam Crothers)
Drift (AZB)
Sum of My Parts (Kate Houston)
Lent term 2009: 4th March
- Theme: hollows
- Quotation: ‘I think everyone wants to be a writer.’ — Martin Amis
The Hollows, Queen’s Park Savannah (Breanne McIvor)
The Right (Adam Crothers)
- Hollow Way (Clare Rainsford)
[I lift your lightly, you were made for me] (Malcolm Guite)
Remote Sensing (Peter Sparks)
Tekel (Peter Sparks)
Going (AZB)
Iken Hall (Stephen Robertson)
A bit of fun (anonymous)
[Portrait] (Helen Holmes)
- Silence (AZB)
Lent term 2009: 18th February
- Theme:
(click to see larger version)
- Quotation: ‘Stay me with raisins, comfort me with apples For I am sick of love.’ — “The Song of Songs (Which is Solomon’s)”, as read by Orson Welles
Lovesick (Claire Rainsford)
Discomfited (Malcolm Guite)
Sex Scene (Adam Crothers)
This Butterfly Effect (Kate Houston)
- The well of love (Stephen Robertson)
Cliche (Breanne McIvor)
[I'm sick of emo poetry] (Claire Rainsford)
Lent term 2009: 28th January
- Theme: Silence
- Quotation: ‘If a man owns land, the land owns him.’ — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Earth to Earth (Malcolm Guite)
A Negative Equity Ghazal (Peter Sparks)
Dreadful Trade (AZB)
Two Minutes Silence (Claire Rainsford)
Territory (Kate Houston)
Silence (Breanne McIvor)
Small Hour (Stephen Robertson)
Refine (Adam Crothers)
Thin Air (Rhiannon – )
Michaelmas term 2008: 19th November
Michaelmas term 2008: 5th November
- Theme: Obituary of Studs Terkel
- Quotation: ‘“Begin at the beginning,” the king said, gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”’ — Lewis Carroll, ‘Alice's adventures in Wonderland’
The Urgent Need to Demythologise Academia (Claire Rainsford)
A short treatise on string theory (Stephen Robertson)
The beginning is simple to mark (AZB)
Erotic (Adam Crothers)
Naming the Beasts (Malcom Guite)
In-flight (Adam Crothers)
Le Tour d’Abandon (Peter Sparks)
The Eternal Knot (Claire Rainsford)
- La Trinitaria (Breanne Mc Ivor)
Questions for a Picture (Malcolm Guite)
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey…Stuff (Kate Houston)
Michaelmas term 2008: 22nd October
- Theme: Letters
- Quotation: ‘Exile's but another name for an old habit of non-residence.’ — Robert Graves
Easter term 2008: 11th June
- Signature Flaw (Clare Rainsford)
- Déjeuner (Peter Sparks)
My Inheritance (Malcolm Guite)
This Table (Malcolm Guite)
Advice for Early Risers (Adam Crothers)
To STC (anonymous)
Byte Size (anonymous)
Two Threads (Stephen Robertson)
Sleeping Beauty (Adam Crothers)
Style (Breanne Mc Ivor)
Welcome to Paradise (Breanne McIvor)
Biography (Claire Rainsford)
Easter term 2008: 21st May
- Quotation: ‘Little by little, one travels far.’ — JRR Tolkien
- Theme: Donkeys
- Singing Bowl (Malcolm Guite)
Donkeys don’t wear jackets (Stephen Robertson)
Little by Little One Travels Far (Sinéad Garrigan-Mattar)
Dragon Foal (Adam Crothers)
Donkey Heart (Claire Rainsford)
Unromance (Claire Rainsford)
Easter term 2008: 29th April
- Form: Triolet
- Quotation: ‘And when you're in a Slump,/you're not in for much fun./Un-slumping yourself/is not easily done.’ — Dr Seuss
- Theme: Perfection
Lent term 2008: 27th February
- Quotation: ‘Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain.’ — Friedrich von Schiller
- Theme: Sound
Lent term 2008: 13th February
- Form: Sonnet
- Theme: Roses
- Quotation: ‘To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.’ — Bertrand Russell
Lent term 2008: 30th January
- Theme: Enemies
- Quotation: ‘In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.’ — Douglas Adams
- Sestina (Peter Sparks)
You Are Here (Stephen Robertson)
Denudation (Breanne McIvor)
Design (Adam Crothers)
Girl on Film (AZB)
Jaw-Jaw (Malcolm Guite)
Enemy (Claire Rainsford)
Heart Transplant (Peter Sparks)
Michaelmas term 2007: 7th November
- Form: Rhyme royal
- Theme: Evolution
- Quotation: ‘Clothes make the man, naked people have little or no influence on society.’ — Mark Twain
Michaelmas term 2007: 21st November
- Quotation: ‘Men and women, women and men. It'll never work.’ — Erica Jong
- Theme: Notes
Michaelmas term 2007: 24th October
- Theme: Steps
- Quotation: ‘There's no place like home.’
Easter term 2007: 20th June
- Theme: Endings
- Quotation: ‘Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.’ — Russell Baker
Easter term 2007: 23rd May
- Theme: Cutlery
- Quotation: ‘[The poet] doth grow in effect another nature.’ — Sir Philip Sidney
Easter term 2007: 9th May
- Theme: Circles
- Quotation: ‘It was the mind's weight / Kept me bent, as I grew tall.’ — RS Thomas
Lent term 2007: 7th March
- Quotation: ‘The painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through’ — Jackson Pollock
Lent term 2007: 21st February
- Hereafter for Elsewhere: An Ash Wednesday Sequence (music and readings in the Girton Chapel)
Lent term 2007: 14th February
- Theme: Love poems, in all their guises, be they happy, sad, funny, sexy, depressing, short, long, a good size, scandalous, cute,
manipulative, confusing, clear-eyed, teary-eyed, torn-up, good, bad, angry, sceptical, naïve, elusive, allusive, embarrassed,
embarrassing, coy, naughty, frigid, filthy, unfair, continental, incontinent, impotent, infertile, in denial, bestial, pastoral,
perilous, peerless…
- Form: Sonnet
Lent term 2007: 24th January
- Quotation: ‘Every mile is two in winter.’ — George Herbert
- Theme: Orientalism
Michaelmas term 2006: 22nd November
- Quotation: ‘War is not nice’ — Barbara Bush
- Theme: Nature
Michaelmas term 2006: 8th November
- Theme: Bonfires
- Quotation: ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall.’
Michaelmas term 2006: 25th October
- Theme: The line
- Quotation: ‘Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.’ — G.K. Chesterton
Easter term 2006: 22nd June
- Form: any of villanelle, triolet, sonnet, heroic couplets
Easter term 2006: 10th May
Lent term 2006: 16th March
- Theme: Old age
- Form: Limerick
Lent term 2006: 2nd March
- Theme: Treasure
- Form: Heroic couplets
Michaelmas term 2005: 23rd November
- Form: Ballad
- Theme: Drugs
Michaelmas term 2005: 9th November
- Form: Prose poem
- Theme: Geography
Michaelmas term 2005: 26th October
- Form: Villanelle
- Theme: Music
Easter term 2005: 21st June
- Form: Sonnet
- Theme: Lawn mower
Easter Term 2005: 19th May
- Form: Tetrameter
- Theme: Revision
Easter Term 2005: 4th May
- Theme: Glove box
- Quotation: ‘Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart.’ — Victor Hugo
Lent term 2005: 16th March
- Theme: Scissors
- Quotation: ‘True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.’ — Kurt Vonnegut
Lent term 2005: 23rd February
- Theme: beards
- Quotation: ‘The English have sent all their bores abroad.’ — Edward Bond
Lent term 2005: 2nd February
- Theme: A post-it note
- Quotation: ‘Too early seen unknown, and known too late.’ — William Shakespeare