The Girton Poetry Group

Not Averse


    BURR (or Brrrrr)
    Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
    In Defence of Evolution
    Apple Sunday
    Dear Alan
    Tridente, 10th September
Barker-Benfield, Ben
    [Walcott begins Omeros]
Beaumont, Esmé
    [artificial sandalwood, full moon]
    Did you bury her yet?
    [I am almost 25 years old]
    I’ve listened to too much Midwest emo and now I can’t remember how to write poems
    [time rolls up like a woodlouse]
Boulanger, Léo
    Ode to a map of the world
    [She points to the sky]
Brain, Chris
    Whales sing because they have a song
Camp, Harry
    Crummock Water
Chougule, Aashi
    The Last Kaua‘i ‘ō‘ō
    Whales sing because they have a song
Clements, Richard
    Three gay rituals
Connolly, Andy
    Poem:  Debris
    why i’m getting into Christmas
Cowperthwaite, George
Crawford, Olivia
Crothers, Adam
    Chocolate Sonnet
    Joy Ride
    O Valentine
    Over Easy
    The Failing of the Cheese
Davies, Jessica
    [Hidden behind the candyfloss burps]
Davies, Sophie
    The Tree of Wisdom
Dearden-Williams, Elizabeth
Elliott, Felix
    Same but differenT
Farrar, Robin Crag
    The chicken and the egg
    [Your eyes are filled with wonder]
Favarato, Laurie
Fereday, Megan
    luc bat to mr. beam
Forwood, Laura
    [If you ask the worm]
    It ends like:
    The Last Kaua‘i ‘ō‘ō
Garrigan-Mattar, Sinéad
    [He’s sound]
    No Salvage
    No Such Signs
    Post-it Notes
    (R)evolution:  Easter Rising
    Stone, Paper, Scissors
    The Dead Letter Office closes down
    The Flower
    ‘War is not nice’—Barbara Bush
Goryn, Tony
    La Belle Dame
    This Boy’s in Love—Section C Part 2b (i-ixx)
Greenstreet, Hannah
    Poems on the Underground
    Saudade Aubade
    Urban bird watching
Gremlin, S Robertson and A
    Ebb tide
Guite, Malcolm
    [A Farewell Kiss]
    A Token
    An Easter Triolet
    Cheese is the medium
    Is it a memory?
    O Oriens
    Poets in Age
    Singing Bowl
    The Cutting Edge
    The Daily Planet
    The Green Man, Mid-Winter
    The Magic Apple Tree
Hardy, Eleanor
    A Hymn to a Loved One
    Bright, Pale Yellow
    Jonathan’s Deathbed
    Sestina to an English Teacher
Harris, India
    [I often think of that January morning]
    [So the moon was there]
    [Somewhere on the mantelpiece inside your house]
    The Scientist
Hawkes, Jemimah
    Human Pound
Hewitt, Seán
    In a charity shop
    [The sash rattles up]
    Wild Mountain Thyme
Hitchcock, Jack
    After the Rise
Holmes, Helen
Houlton, Tom
    Bearded Thoughts
    [For A Long Time She Stands There]
    [My face is old now]
    [So snow falls outside]
    [The sun flattened]
    yew needs dried blood in spring
Houston, Kate
    A Void
    Falling Is Like This
    I’ll never work for Hallmark
    Snapshot Endings
    The Notes You Have Left
    The Other Side of the Line
    Urban Warfare
    Vicious or Virtuous?
    Writing to explore
Irvine, Heather Skye
    How’d we get here?  (Jazz club)
Jeffs, Amy
    [In my Grandmother’s homeland]
Kader, Yaseen
    [And, hey, maybe if I continue to sing]
    Cycling Home on a Winter Evening
    Double Dactyls
    “In Nature There Are Few Sharp Lines”
    [Maybe it’s just the latent sign]
    Three Pieces of Advice
Katz Feigis, Irit
    This is where
Kennedy, Malcolm
    [Five minutes after our hearts stop]
Knowler, Rachel
    [A spinning spider]
    Mosquito nights
Limb, Lottie
    Flash News
Lindsey, Hannah
    Aubade to Girton
    Fairy Tale
    Hail, Holy Houston:  A Discourse on the Anxiety of Mechanised Racial Profiling
Macedo, Damien
    [The world moves the same]
Max, Pat
Mc Ivor, Breanne
    A Regrettably Cheesy Discourse
    La Trinitaria
    Poker face
    The Mango Tree
Moller, Freddie
    Catalogue d’Oiseaux:
    How and Why I Should Have Looked You in the Eyes:
Moxham, Oliver
    Call of the Fae
    Greasy spoons
Nayak, Sid
    What we leave behind
Nazeer, Rahan
    Café oh late
    Frighteningly Inert
    Loose Ghazal for Rumi
    [Red-hot and tear-kissed]
    ’Tis pity he’s a bore
Nickerson, Anna
    A Song for the Planting of Fruit Trees
    [A still life, with ceramic vase]
    [At the coinciding point of the years]
    Lemon Pie in Zaïre
    [No point, she said]
    Sixteen Forty-Five
    [The room was plainness and preparedness]
    [the typist puts her knickers on]
    [They saw him walking in the meadow]
Ozbay, Imre
    A Tribute to AQOH
Pett, Sarah
    Decomposed on Westminster Bridge, January 3, 2002
    For A.
    The Box
Phillips, David
    From Trebetherick Point
    He who made the Lamb
    I could never be (ready)
    l’esprit d’escalier
    tusk! tusk! tusk! tusk! tusk!
    we’re not in Kansas, anymore
    Who am I, Bernard?
Pryor, Graydon
    Fall for————
    Home, with you
    Shit, we’ve missed our stop.
Ragozzino, Giorgio
    “A Nasty Piece of Work”
Rainsford, Clare
    Hollow Way
    Signature Flaw
Reddick, Yvonne
    On nature
    Thirteen Lines
Redwood, Ben
    [Oh work]
Roat, Verity
Robertson, Stephen
    A trifle
    Another day
    Black September
    Cape Cod Morning
    Daydream Dale Journey
    Don’t count your chickens
    Pushing 60
    The well of love
    There must be moonshine
    Troubled waters
    Walking in winter
    Wells in winter
Searle, Maddy
    Before Christmas
Semple, Mollie
    Wicker Chair
Sparks, Peter
    A Room of Her Own
    Between Life and Death
    Compass Reading
    Credit in the city
    Cretan Quartet—a blame game
    Exam Room Villanelle
    Gaza Sequence
    Just a Small Fish
    Nil Charge / Nil Return
    Small Particles in the Small Hours
    The Christmas Dolls’ House
    Things a man should know
    Three Ways of Walking
    Wednesday Evening
Steele, Theo
    [What have we done]
Taylor, Grace
    A Woman Fallen
Vuaran, Mark
    Fugue by water
    Hercules et Oracle
    Here be dragons
    In search of
    leaves might fall
    Wandlebury Hill
Wagstaff, Georgia
    [cyclamen in purple bursts kiss compost]
Waszkiewicz, Radost
    [Ambient objects surrounded me]
Weekes, Francesca
    Outside E5, Girton College
Weppel, Simon
    Magnetic Mountain
Williams, Abi
    Drink and be merry
    [I have tried]
    [I whispered my name into the trees]
    the windmill’s lament—a short play
Zhang, Henry
    A Translation of Wallace Stevens’s ‘Notes Towards a Supreme Fiction’, section 1:  ‘It Must be Abstract’