The Girton Poetry Group

Not Averse

[Ambient objects surrounded me]

Ambient objects surrounded me.

In no-color, no-shape cup waiter serves

My tea.  Sugar bowl fills not-white tablecloth sea.

Daily no-feeling recurs in identical mornings.

Business will go as usual—Routine completion guarantee.

My reality assembles with Ikea instructions.

Ambient objects surrounded us.

Long into night we’re sitting tired and carefree

In the darkness of no-brand car’s back seats.

Fresheners’ smell is the only thing we can see,

Gray street lamps passing by show no-texture of headrests.

Foreign coin of size of 20p fell from my wallet in stopping taxi,

Filled that space for years—It makes no sound as it drops.

I replay too detailed memory waiter’s goodbye, smile of cabbie;

Ambient objects.