The Girton Poetry Group

Not Averse

Poetry at Girton

The Girton Poetry Group meets occasionally in termtime, after dinner, over wine. A theme, quotation, and/or poetic form are are suggested a few days in advance of each meeting, and people are invited to submit anonymously one or more poems, inspired in some way by the suggestions. 

At the meeting, copies of the poems are handed round and read aloud (since authorship is not known at this point, reader is not normally author).  The poems are then discussed. At the end of the evening, those present may declare authorship, or may remain anonymous.

About this site

This site contains a selection of the poems presented to the group since 2005. Poems may have been modified after the meeting, and authors may again have chosen to remain anonymous.

Poems are accessible through the indexes listed at the top of the page: conventional author, title and first-line indexes, and an Index of Themes, which gives the theme/form as suggested, and the poems written in response to it. As well as the usual html format for browsers, poems are also provided in a pdf format, which may print better.

Any queries about the site should be directed to Stephen Robertson.  I can be emailed -- my userid is ser45, with the usual U of Cambridge mail server.